I just woke up and read this testimonial from my client.. What an - TopicsExpress


I just woke up and read this testimonial from my client.. What an amazing way start to my day This is Katie who is currently doing my program for her polycystic ovarian syndrome, drug free and diet free Hannah is the best! I come from a background of anorexia, disordered eating, over-exerciser, under-eater & PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) Because of my desire to be thin I had pretty much ruined my metabolism and compromised my eating habits all for the sake of vanity. All the while I had adrenal burnout, zero energy, extreme weight gain from PCOS, absence of a period for 2 years, brown spots all over my back, chest, & neck, living off of caffeine for energy, not having a bowel movement for weeks at a time, having colonics done and working out sometimes 2x/ day. Thats my history. I went raw vegan for about 2 years, the weight came off but I started to feel bad being on it because I wasnt eating enough. I wanted to be normal which led me to do Atkins, Paleo, Hcg diet, master cleanses and juice fasts (all veggies of course because fruit is bad!). Finally I went vegan about 8 months ago and felt a ton better but noticed my PCOS symptoms were arising yet again.....the weight wasnt controllable, the brown spots were back, I wasnt having bowel movements, still not having a regular period, I would cry all the time for no reason & my energy was suffering, so I started living off of caffeine again and decreased my calories...because I had to be thin! I found myself in a crazy cycle. This time I knew something had to change... The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results & I finally caught on that I was doing exactly that. I knew that if fruit was what Physicians were saying is bad and I wasnt getting better then it actually had to be healing. Thats when I decided to take matters in to my own hands. I went on youtube and looked up people that healed PCOS with fruit and found the lovely Miss Raw Jam I found Hannahs story so intriguing! She looked happy and healthy and thin and she was eating a ton of fruit! I was baffled. Could everything I believed about fruit be wrong? I mean I always loved fruit salads growing up....maybe it wasnt so bad after all?! After watching some of her videos I immediately contacted her about what was going on with me. At this time I just started metformin ...again...to help with the PCOS & was seeing an Environmental Toxicologist to try and get to the bottom of my health. I was going back in forth in my mind ...should I spend money on what the Toxicologist recommends & take my metformin or should I do something completely different and actually get different results? Thats when Hannah said she has a 100% success rate with her clients & thats when I knew.....she knows what shes doin! Nobody claims 100% but she did. And thats what I needed, confidence from someone who has been where Ive been and knows how to heal the body. Not a Doctor who writes prescriptions and says to decrease calories and fruit. Since I started this high carb whole food plant based lifestyle, I can honestly say, Ive never felt better. I write this with such happiness because my life is coming back! And its a brand new one! Healthier and happier for sure I started 2 months ago and IMMEDIATELY I felt major changes. I had bowel movements right away, my energy sky rocketed to the point that I felt caffeinated without having caffeine, my emotions became stable, I no longer cry for no reason, I just recently GOT MY PERIOD without any meds or supplements, and most of all I have confidence that comes from the inside. I feel good & it shows! My brother -in-law said to me recently sis, a couple months ago you just seemed down, and now you are just absolutely glowing! That doesnt just happen. Ive given my cells energy and its obvious!!! Am I where I want to be weight wise?...no, but let me tell you my body is soooo happy that I am giving it nutrients that I have to respect that it hasnt trusted me for about 15 years. Thats just part of the healing process and I will gladly welcome a few extra pounds for feeling amazing! It will all come off soon I just know it! In the mean time Im enjoying my life of fruit in abundance. Its given me a much healthier balanced outlook on everything....from working out, to what I tell myself. I went from working so hard to be thin to seeing my beauty in different ways! Im determined to get people living this life! Its contagious I tell ya! Everyone needs to get on board with Raw Jam! You wont regret it.....my promise ....100% guaranteed! Katie, USA
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:15:32 +0000

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