I just wrote this in the Veganism forum in case youre wondering - TopicsExpress


I just wrote this in the Veganism forum in case youre wondering what the inside of my head looks like today: You can donate leather, cashmere, silk, & fur here please & it will be respectfully repurposed to an agency who doesnt serve non-vegan food or permit talking lightly about animals as objects. I make sure EVERYONE (respectfully, compassionately) knows WHERE & WHO these materials come from- NOTHING gets used for patches, etc.- ONLY for functional, highly-efficient gear using native techniques from around the world (Im Norwegian- its a Viking thing I guess)- theres a documentary within the following link that I put together as well (at the bottom of the page): wildwillpower.org/…/crafting-each-other-rent-free ALSO people will be crafting their own materials together & LEARNING to become more self-sufficient like our ancestors. Richard Lonewolf Survival School (RichardLonewolf) will ALSO be helping to educate people among the Sequoia National Forest so that we can bring acorn & buckeye nut flour, pine nuts AND pollen, golden chia seeds, yerba mans root, wild flax, red desert rice, & much much more to markets using ecologically-beneficial harvesting techniques which ALSO helping to prevent wildfires (wildwillpower.org/…/native-american-wildfire-pre…) AND provide a drought-resillient food supply. Were HIRING native teachers to teach old ways & plant uses & how to live in a better way for both vegans AND non-vegans, & non-vegans will get a healthy dose of tasty animal free food because I started this organization to help build bridges & teach lost ancient knowledge in a way that will help alleviate resource strain on us all. Imagine walking through the national forest with no backpack, sleeping bag, OR raincoat OR tent & living VERY COMFORTABLY without the need to kill animals BECAUSE you know which WILD plants contain omega-3, 6, & 9 (wild flax & GOLDEN chia seeds everywhere), acorns (complete protein w/ calcium AND potassium), nettles (higher in protein than meat AND so high in iron it cures anemia AND all our ancestors ate this), & so on. Cattail plant fibers are 95% the efficiency of goose down, & can be packed between two layers of fabric- MUCH MUCH more. Now IMAGINE getting PAID to pick up buckeyes, acorns, seeds, much more & using INDUSTRIAL HULLERS (de-shell ~500 of acorns/hour) to make this process viable for FIXING THE FOOD SUPPLY. NOW imagine a cooperative business model so that were not slaves to high-paid CEOs weve never met & who dont seem to care at times: KernRiverCoop is now hiring (hard work- I love you & youre welcome). Donations greatly appreciated & will help the United States to become self-sufficient AND to begin to obtain a substantial swing in the favor of switching to an ecologically-considerate economy using traditional native skills- well be getting native plant seeds out to Bakersfield, San Jose, Los Angeles residents & desert southwest to aid our new drought-resillient food supply. I dont like how the animals are treated; I actually have a warrant in Iowa (to my knowledge- I still do) & havent seen my family in over 4 years because I sang a song I wrote about animal freedom on a table of a fast food restaurant & the manager lied & my court case was a sham: ourlandstoo.org/…/factory-farmed-animals-kept-in-ho…/ I believe that the cows would rather help humanity succeed than see more suffering; this will help end suffering for their families because its providing alternatives to cruel products WITH healthy wild products harvested sustainably AND in a way respectful to Native American people with regard to the horrible Holocaust THEY have suffered. Using native techniques & secondhand materials will make this an inclusive movement toward SOMETHING better- maybe when I die theyll notice I was a vegan & theyl consider that in the weight of history- so just roll with it because this could help us all & we should use what we got rather than go dig up new resources from a wounded planet. Nature needs us & we gotta use what we got wisely. Please consider this also: Many people who havent much considered where their things come from (yet) are VICTIMS of a commercial society, so as they are stitching their gear eating good food, theyll be learning about where these come from & how were working to make the world better place during our harvesting & tending the wild. Were not stealing knowledge form native people; theyre going to get paid well- I built RichardLonewolf, for instance, to help an elder without the computer skills, & likely many other great teachers are out there who could use aid in teaching knowledge people wouldnt otherwise have the opportunity to have access to. You & I are blessed; we have computers, skills, passion, & ACCESS to organic foods. Its not only about what we take from the Earth Mother, but what we give back to help humanity that will allow any movement to succeed. Look around- the humans need help TOO! (Many just dont know it yet, but you can water a forest with pesticide OR you can sing to it & see which produces best.) Many blessings, Distance Die Hard Dreamer wildwillpower.org/…/crafting-each-other-rent-free
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 19:09:41 +0000

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