I keep feeling God telling me to push the importance of reading - TopicsExpress


I keep feeling God telling me to push the importance of reading the Bible more, I know youth now a days desire to hear more about relationships, life struggles, and just current things teens deal with today; not that theres anything wrong with that but I can teach any of those subjects and have them take nothing different out of it if I dont use the Word of God. I see it more than ever now, people seem to put their hand on their forehead or shake their heads when the preacher/teacher asks them to continue opening their Bibles to a different book, chapter, or verse. Some even close their Bibles altogether and give up searching.. Why is that? Why should there ever be a too much Bible reading line? How is it that a Christian can have too much? So does it mean that because of those responses I should cut down the amount of Bible I use in my messages? Maybe not even use it at all like some people do now.. Nope, I wasnt called to be a people pleaser, like Paul said am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ {Galatians 1:10} With that being said, my youth will be studying the Bible more, because Ive come to the conclusion that until they themselves understand Gods Word theyll understand that everything that comes out of my mouth is not really mine but Gods. Its not until they understand God that theyll understand the mentality and purpose behind every message, nothing will penetrate through their spirit more than a double edged sword! {Hebrews 4:12}
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:14:19 +0000

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