I keep hearing about Jerusalem employers who are firing their Arab - TopicsExpress


I keep hearing about Jerusalem employers who are firing their Arab workers due to the increasing terror in Jerusalem. In my opinion that is wrong, and dumb. Like it or not, weve got a couple of hundred thousand Arabs living in and around Jerusalem. They may not love us, but the vast majority just want to make a living. By taking away their jobs, we may generate desperation that can lead to more violence. Yes, 99.9% of terror attacks are perpetrated by Arabs. That does not mean that all Arabs are terrorists, and they shouldnt be treated that way! Our government has done an injustice to the Arabs among us who just want to live. By treating terror with kid gloves and an impotent policy of containment, whereby terror is ok under certain circumstances (geographical location, holidays, etc.), they have allowed the terror to spiral out of control. I am not removing blame from the terrorists themselves. But they will always be among us. The question is how we deal with it. Right now, we are being kind to the cruel by turning a blind eye to certain types of terror, which is leading to a situation that we will be cruel to the kind. The government and police must start to recognize the existence of East Jerusalem: care for the security of its Arab residents (yes, Arab! They dont even bother calling the police when crimes take place, or clans start figting, since they know no one cares), improve infrastructure... treat it like part of Jerusalem! If we dont, we will soon find ourselves with a large population of angry neighbors in an area controlled by Hamas, or worse. Firing Arabs from their jobs is short-sighted and small. We are all in it for the long term. Its time to act like it.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:17:08 +0000

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