I keep reading this..gonna start adding Coconut Oil daily: Why I - TopicsExpress


I keep reading this..gonna start adding Coconut Oil daily: Why I Love Coconut Oil! Coconut oil was once considered a “bad” fat due to its high content of saturated fats. Now presently, this oil is considered to be not only a powerful ‘superfood’ but also a very versatile oil in that it can be used topically as well. This oil has a unique fatty acid profile that has numerous positive health benefits and unlike trans fats and other processed fats, you don’t need to be afraid of coconut oil. Regarding nutrition, the right fat can truly be your friend and I’m here to tell you that it is okay to include healthy fats with each meal and actually is very beneficial. Here are 5 health benefits of coconut oil: 1) Metabolism booster--this is related to the medium-chain fatty acids coconut oil is made up of which the body metabolizes differently. Medium-chain fatty acids are more easily utilized and absorbed therefore reducing stress on the body allowing the body to work and metabolize more efficiently. Coconut oil helps to fuel the fire (aka: metabolism)! 2) Reduces your hunger--consuming an adequate amount of healthy fats with each meal helps to control hunger because fats help with satiety, the feeling of hunger. I recommend adding ½-1 tbsp. of fat to each meal. 3) Helps prevent infections--40-50% of fatty acid in coconut is Lauric acid which is converted by the body to monolaurin. Both monolaurin and Lauric acid can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria and viruses as well as fungi. Coconut oil can enhance your immune system and help you fight off all of the bad germs floating in the environment preventing infections and illnesses. 4) Healthy for your skin and hair--As we know coconut oil can also be used topically. It works as a great moisturizer for all types of skin and can also help with skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. In addition, it is known to have anti-aging effects on skin. Coconut oil is a perfect nutrient for hair. The benefits of using coconut oil on hair includes, healthy growth, sun protection, increases shine, and can also prevent protein loss. Protein loss is related to unhealthy hair quality such as breakage, split ends, dry hair, etc. 5) Whitens teeth and enhances dental health--Have you ever heard of oil pulling? Using coconut oil as a mouthwash is known as oil pulling. Although this seems odd and is something you have to get use to, there are several benefits to this practice including--killing off harmful bacteria in the mouth, naturally whitening teeth, reducing bad breath and improving overall dental health. Are you ready to give this a try? WOW! The versatility and the benefits of coconut oil cannot be beat! I recommend adding coconut oil to your daily nutrition intake. To find a good quality coconut oil look for the key word “unrefined” which is the very least processed. A few of my favorite ways with incorporating coconut oil and taking advantage of the benefits include, sautéing vegetables or frying eggs in it, adding it to make Isagenix Isalean Shakes, adding it to my coffee, using it as a skin moisturizer and I’ve now decided that I’m going to give oil pulling a try! For more nutrition tips, info and meal ideas, visit Stacie’s Facebook page: Stacies Dietitian Mission In health and happiness, Stacie
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 01:03:37 +0000

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