I keep sayin it but its cuz it keeps getting proven... - TopicsExpress


I keep sayin it but its cuz it keeps getting proven... #EverythingHappensForAReason! Yesterday moms walker lost a wheel, stripped out bolt, not fixable... so the plan today was to run some errands with moms but first stop was going to be to go buy a new walker... Just got moms situated in the car & was about to head out when a friend stopped by to pick up some things she had left at my house... no big deal but caused about a 25 minute delay in our leaving the house... so we head out & pick out a new walker & go to the register... When a man behind us in line asked are you buying that thru your insurance? No we were just gonna pay cash... turns out this mans wife works at a medical supply store & they happen to have a couple brand new walkers sitting in his garage waiting to be donated to someone who needed them... So now we are on our way to his house to pick up todays blessing... Had my friend not stopped by right when she did, we probably wouldnt have ever met this man... #GodIsGood!!!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 00:26:30 +0000

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