I keep seeing videos like this making the rounds and just need to - TopicsExpress


I keep seeing videos like this making the rounds and just need to comment on this womans act, I admit, at first I thought, wow what a jerk... But then I saw the audacious message attached and thought... Wait a minute, so now we go around and publicly abuse and humiliate people? Who is the real villain here? The woman who in the height of excitement had a lapse in judgement, which she probably didnt even realize until it was to late that it was a child as she was trying to catch the ball... Or the internet mob that is going to pass this video round and round heaping mean, judgmental, and sometimes downright cruel comments on her. Because in all honesty, who among us has never done something wrong? And even if it was intentional, which we have no idea since we arent mind readers, we need to take a close look in the mirror, because honey, she is not the exception... This is the typical self centered modern day person. We see it every time we tap our foot impatiently if a line moves to slow for our liking. When we dont let the car merge or enter traffic in front of us and instead close the gap, when we ask to speak to a manager in a huff, get nasty with a waitress, or leave a crappy tip because our food or drinks werent perfect or fast enough, when we angrily tell off a telemarketer that dared to work for a living and dared to inconvenience us, or said something in a way we didnt care for. Or how about when we spend time looking for mistakes our peers or coworkers make. Or God forbid, we perceive a slight in the words someone spoke to us. But go ahead and single this woman out on the World Wide Web and humiliate her by the millions... Because thats what good people do??? And we can all talk about how terrible of a person she is, after all, thats how bullys make themselves feel better. ;) Suggestion: Next time you are winding up a temper about something, or are getting irritated, annoyed, self righteous, or judgy, take a breather and think about things from a larger perspective before jumping on the bully bandwagon. Just sayin...
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:35:04 +0000

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