I keep six honest serving-men(They taught me all I knew); Their - TopicsExpress


I keep six honest serving-men(They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. -Rudyard Kipling Astro Watch . Net Headline; HiRISE Camera Images an Irregular, Upright Boulder on Mars They have just posted a photo of what appears to be a rock trail down a hill. Is it? We shall see... We anomoly hunters differ from the people on the main stream space sites. We utilize the trivium method. We do not put our logic before our grammer.Team Astros logic is upright bolder rolled down hill The gramer they ought to be useing is... who what when where and why. When you reverse the natural prossess, and logicly deduce that an upright bolder rolled down a hill before a thourough investagation of the facts, your conclusein ur ass. Who says its an upright bolder? Astro watch does. Has the Astro Watch team been to this spot on mars lateley? Where they there when the bolder rolled down the hill? Possable, but unlikely. Most likely is they glanced at the photo, with the glazed see nothing stare of a mainstream space web site drone, and fired off a hasty conclusion. We do not do that. We inspect, study, and examin all space photos closely for any descrepincy, anomoly, or strange doings. What happend here? It appears that an object moved accros the landscape in a downhill direction leaving a trail. Astro Quote: ”Calculated from the length of the shadow cast by the rock and the known angle of sunlight during this afternoon exposure, the height of the boulder is about 20 feet (6 meters). Its width as seen from overhead is only about 11.5 feet (3.5 meters), so it indeed has an irregular shape. It came to rest with its long axis pointed up.” I dont see that at all, do not the sides appear to be perfectly streaght? Does not a shadow get smaller the fauther away from an object it gets? It narrows so a bigger shadow at the base does not nessasrly result in the object haveing a wider base. A close look at it reveals a fairly uniform Cuboid, an elongated cube. Strike one for the Astros. When did it move? Fairly recently, becase the seasonal dust storms have not coverd up the trail yet. Where is where things get interesting, there appears to be an odd shaped object right at the beginning of the trail. And scattered about the trail head are other anomalous shapes. So the object came from an anomalous object field. Perhaps then it too is of a strange nature, not just another rock? Another question that arises, is that slope that we see steep enough in Mars lessened gravity, to cause a rectangular shaped object to roll that far? Also, as the object tipped over at the start of its trail, how did it have enough velocity to go that far? Remember, its not a sphere, and it did not fall off a cliff exactly. And now to Why? The trail highlight detail shows the square imprint in the sand as it tipped end over end, but why does these imprints have a raised point in the middle? Was there a hole on both ends of it? Or did the lessened gravity and sand conditions cause a rise in the middle of the imprint? Why did the object come to a rest standing straight up? Would not the percentages be that it should be laying on its side? Astro Quote; “The trail has an odd repeating pattern, suggesting the boulder could not roll straight due to its shape.” Repeating pattern? Repeating as in the same every time? It is not a repeating pattern, the start of the trail is not the same as the end. Different patterns altogether. The second fourths is not the same as the third fourths, again, faulty grammar by the Astro Club. Garbage in garbage out. Strike two Astro naughts. Why is the trail of the object when it first started moving so elongated, not the markings of something bouncing end over end but in an even straight direction? A big why. Why are we independent fringe anomaly hunters the only ones asking these questions on the internet? Outside of secret government agencies, why is it only us? And now to How. How is the human race ever going to make any progress in the exploration of space if the Trivium is no longer taught in schools and the citizens logic and reasoning skills are so degraded? Oh, wait, that was their plan all along. Strike three for us all.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 08:41:07 +0000

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