I keep writing the name Gilmore incorrectly. Should be Gilmour. - TopicsExpress


I keep writing the name Gilmore incorrectly. Should be Gilmour. Like Stom, not Stum. Dont want to confuse anyone, but the spelling of these, and some other names throw me. Things can become very confusing, very fast, when trying to search out the past. Its so good to have Short Walk and the members that are interested in our Paradise history, to help sort out our memories and info. Last year Dorann posted info that threw me for a loop. It placed the James G. Gilmour family in the house on east side of, and next to the post office, where in my time, Herman and Nellie (Streets) Buchanan lived, and had since the late 30s. I knew my dad bought the property on west side of Gilmore/Fox/Wood store from James G. Gilmour in 36. I knew they lived there when son Jim was born, and in my mind, had them still living there at the time. Duh, it didnt even occur to me that they might have owned two, or even more residential properties in Paradise. This, along with the location of the hotel, has been in the back of my mind, nagging me like an aching tooth for over a year. I just couldnt let it go. I challenged my memory of the conversations Id had with my mother about the Gilmours. My dad and Jim Gilmour (3 years older than my dad) were close friends, and mom used to talk of them some when I was young. I came up with: Gilmours lived in the house W side of Gilmore/Fox/Wood store for a few more years after Jim was born, 1905. Then moved into the house E side of Post Office (Buchanans store). Also keeping the other house, until selling it to my dad. I want to think 36, but Id have to check the deed to be sure, and have no idea where Ive put it. Gilmours moved from Paradise to Central City mid – late 30s, and this must have been when he sold the house to Herman Buchanan, or maybe, his wife Marge, after James died, May 39. I know I could have gone to the courthouse and library and got this info, but too busy taking care of other things, so just let it nag at me. Finally, everything fell into place; especially after running across the following photo. I immediately recognized the side of the house where Herman and Nellie Buchanan lived, especially the cement walk. And... that is Jim Gilmoue, as a young boy, in the little car. My mystery solved. Please, dont someone tell me I have it all wrong. ;) Do any of you get crazy over things like this, or am I the only odd-ball here?
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:30:22 +0000

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