I kept a daily diary from when I was about 7 to when I was 30... - TopicsExpress


I kept a daily diary from when I was about 7 to when I was 30... nothing girly, just what happened; very prosaic. I wish Id kept it up now. I never read it, and I certainly wont make a habit of quoting it, but I bumped into some of this today. September 24, 1987. We rehearsed 1-5 today – an hour upstairs with Ron Field and Two Ladies – hes totally unhappy with the number. (--) Downstairs on stage, Hal put in tons of interesting new dialogue for Cliff and Sally; then the company came and he tried the new stuff – then he put in the tape of Hitler again, this time with underscoring and with the same abrupt cut-off as before. Then he gave a lot of notes, including some that have occurred to me for seven months. Then he worked on Cliff & Sally some more, gave notes to Werner & Regina – I chatted with Fred Ebb and (cast member) who was working the former over excessively. The changed dialogue etc. went in tonight and created an entirely different show – a vastly improved one. Everyone was excited. I listened to every word – the differences are major. Back at Dupont Circle, I went to Lambda Rising, then home where I revised and typed my Letter To The Editor about Bob Fosse. September 25, 1987. Ron Field called me in early to figure out a way to further abridge the Money dance – I executed his idea in two minutes, and threw my idea for a tap dance out at him – he bought it (Joel later nixed it.) The dancing chorus came at 1:00 and Ron gave them notes and various discussion on what is wrong with the dancing in the show – mainly that, due to the dance captains ministrations, the numbers are technical and antiseptic. We worked the opening – then worked on the new potential Money cuts – Joel came and was not enthusiastic (neither was Hal, so I doubt theyll happen.) Downstairs, Hal worked with Regina and Werner, and finally got Married back up to tempo. At intermission *Actress X* was crying over two edits Hal gave her and the fact that Sharon Lawrence was given her wig for the Telephone Dance; I beat a hasty retreat. At Lambda Rising, I overheard a group of people finding my album, and howling at the song titles and liner notes – made my day. October 15, 1987. I played for Peg Murrays first rehearsal – she proves to be a tough chick – very opinionated and frequently correctly. *X* was at his wimpy, officious worst, and I had to sit there like a hack. October 18, 1987. I went to Town Hall for the Broadway Benefit. It was an unusually well-handled, efficient and brief benefit – and easily the highlight was Alyson & The Kit Kat Klub girls ending Act I with Dont Tell Mama - it brought down the house – it gave my first Broadway rush of excitement – were going to be a hit. It was a fun little event, reminding me of these New York-style affairs.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 03:00:53 +0000

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