I knew....I knew one day I was going to lose someone close to - TopicsExpress


I knew....I knew one day I was going to lose someone close to me....I always thought I had mentally prepared myself for it. I knew it would hurt...I saw friends lose their loved ones but I thought I was strong and would not allow myself to feel broken. But in the early hours of monday 15th September 2014 (exactly 4 weeks today) I received a devastating phone call that mom had taken a bad turn. The night before mom was fine and was ready to be taken to the ward on that Monday but instead Allah (swt) had other plans and mom returned back to our creator at 12.20pm. Its left a massive hole in my heart...Words cannot describe this painful feeling. There are days when I cant understand how this happened and I have my moments thinking how am I going to get through this life without mom...Mom wont be there at my lifes big events. Each time I think about this..My heart cries. I miss mom so much :( Everything happened so fast...There was no time to think and before we knew it, Mom had gone. Im so hurt and heartbroken. At times the pain is unbearable But Ive decided that I wont sit here and say why me? What did we do wrong for our mom to be taken away or become bitter and angry about it etc...Instead Im going to remind myself what Allah (swt) teaches me in the Quran: “Every soul shall taste death. - (Quran Surah Al Imran:185) Certainly, We shall test you with fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient - those who, when afflicted with calamity say, Truly to Allah we belong, and truly to Him shall we return. it is those who will be awarded blessings and mercy from their Lord; and it is those who are the guided ones. [Quran Surah Baqarah:155-157 ] My moms death is a reminder to me that every soul shall taste death...no matter what background/faith you come from..no one stays in this worldly life forever...it doesnt matter how old or young you may be one day itll come to an end. Death waits for no one...The graveyards are definitely not reserved for elderly people.. The second quote from the Quran teaches me that what Im going through is a test from Allah (swt). As long as I continue to worship my creator then in shaa Allah (God Willing) I know Ill get through this...Ill have my moments but with Allah by my side I know Ill be okay. Muslims are taught that we have a purpose in this life and that is to worship Allah. Allah swt says: I have not created the jinn and mankind, for any other purpose except to worship Me. (Quran 51: 56) Everything else is a gift which should be a means to bring us closer to Allah. These gifts or trials are there to test us. When youre blessed with wealth, health, family, etc its there to test you to see if youre grateful. When calamity strikes, its there to test if your patient with what Allah has decreed. Your reward will be given to you either in this life or in the Akhirah (hereafter). Ive chosen to remain patient for the sake of Allah. When I hear about someone losing a loved one..I always find myself sharing this particular *hadith* to help bring comfort to their heart and today Im having to remind myself and family of this hadith to bring comfort to our hearts. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahs Apostle said, Allah says, I have nothing to give but Paradise as a reward to my believer slave, who, if I cause his dear friend (or relative) to die, remains patient (and hopes for Allahs Reward). [ Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 432.] The reason why I wrote this was for it to be a little reminder for us all. One day you will lose a loved one or you may already have...It wont be easy but trust Allah. Dont feel as if hes punishing you or that youve done something wrong etc but let it be a reminder that we all shall taste death....let it remind you that everything you go through in this life....good/bad....its there to test you. No matter what situation you may be in, Allah is always with you...The plan on Monday was to move mom from intensive care to the ward but Allah planned to bring my mom back to Him on that same Monday... But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners (Quran: Surah Al Anfal) Allah (swt) saw what we didnt....Maybe He knew that moms health wouldnt have been the best after the operation so decided to take them back...Allah knows best. Thinking like this keeps me going.. My beautiful mom for many years you kept unwell but today youre free from all illness. You fought and never gave up...in shaa Allah youre in a better place and one day well meet again for sure but in the mean time Im going to keep praying for you as I know thats what you need from me. I LOVE YOU with all my heart ♡ May Allah (swt) grant my beautiful mother jannat Al firdous (paradise) with ease. May He grant mom forgiveness and make it easy for them. May Allah reunite us in the hereafter...May He grant me, my family especially dad sabr (patience) and give us the strength to get through this difficult and testing time. Ameen. No one can replace a mother. If your mother is still alive then give her a huge hug, be there for her and appreciate what she does for you and definitely appreciate those nagging moments because once it stops for good...you will miss it...Make the most of the time you have with your mother. Not just your mother but your father too. If your mother or father have returned back to their creator then remain patient, pray for them and God Willing just like me you too shall reunite with them in paradise. Im still learning about my beautiful religion Islam but the little knowledge I do have has helped me to deal with this huge loss in my life. A piece of my heart has been taken but Allahs words and promise have been my light and strength. My advice to you is increase your knowledge and understand what Allah (swt) teaches us. Mentally prepare yourself for any heartache because one day you will experience something. Mentally preparing yourself and actually going through it are not the same but it does help even if its a little. Youre able to deal with it just that little bit better. May Allah (swt) make us amongst the righteous ones..Increase us in knowledge and guide us towards the path which will lead to paradise...may he give us the strength to deal with any kind of heartache and reward us in the hereafter. Ameen ♡ Please remember this friend, sister or even stranger in your Duas. At the moment were in the everything is happening all at once mode..It has been one thing after another but Allhumdulilah I wont complain...Allah knows exactly what Hes doing. Allah has blessed me with so many beautiful gifts in life so surely, I can go through these tests for His sake after being blessed with so much. Feel free to SHARE this message...It may just help someone who is going through or has been through a similar situation as me. Im a very strong believer that if youre able to get through the hard times then you should try helping others using your own experience. Your words may just change a persons life forever ♡ *Hadith* - A report of the teachings, deeds and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (sallahualahi wasalm).
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:19:37 +0000

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