I knew it, i felt that the Smithsonian for a while now was totally - TopicsExpress


I knew it, i felt that the Smithsonian for a while now was totally part of one cover up of our long standing n confusing history as there is so much we are now learning n more are waking up to realizing that they are more than a follower or slave of a community but know that each of us are great beings of light that forgot who we were only to fall into belief systems of how think things should b. Thats not how GOD works. GOD is omnipresent in everyone, everywhere n no where all at the same time. God is the beginning n end. And now theres proof showing that this was the case at the Smithsonian n its good news just sad others feel they need to hide it. We think this is all just wait. There is so much coming to light coming up that it will create many changes n people will realize that most religions n many corporations n government groups have been infiltrated by ones that seek to keep control n passed down. Not anymore. Its backfiring on them all. The truth is coming out n many will b very confused w all this coming out n will continue to avoid it because they are scared. That is why I have been leaking info n telling of my own experiences, ect. The Galactics do communicate w me in many ways n they are of flesh in physical not just spiritual n they support anyone that is working for the whole. 2014 was huge reveals n the awakening is growing rapidly w these reveals esp. But more so its cause of the energies escalating. This year n next so 2015-2016 will b so different than any can imagine! N its up to us how much we decide to accept the truth or stay in denial. But truth is truth n no one can contest these facts of truth of our history that so many have hid for so long from us all. So Whatever that means for u I thank u for allowing me to converse w all of u regardless if u believe what I say or not. That is not my job. IT is however my job to b an example n speak out w my truth n protect n heal this EARTH n show others how to do the same n listen to their hearts. Kids are so important to this project yet many parents feel that letting them follow their intuition is corrupting them n they dont understand that the true corruption is when we fear our kids will b lead astray so we panic n Get upset if its not in line w what they believe in. Kids are forced to go to church, to school, ect n although they need guidance n direction they do not need to b brainwashed w belief systems that come from man passed down generations. The signals I recieve have died down quite a bit lately. The ones im in contact w n im talking to are physical extraterrestrial beings that I deal with and physical flares n signals I recieve. These beings are not in my minds eye. They are phusical beings in our atmosphere right now. As they are working double time to combat the neg chemtrails, frequencies, water pollutants, ect all while being careful not to get too involved, or to upset our lives here,ect n make sure we are safe. The cabal has been putting out alot of crap in communications, n also in the physical n through others in religion, media, government, ect. They are truly desperate right now n are taking drastic measures n each time they try we dont let it happen otherwise they would of had us in camps, n dying of ebola a long time ago this year. They keep failing to fool the masses. We are catching onto their little games. Thats why weve seen so many deaths mysteriously n more will happen but hopefully we can get through this without much more violence n suffering. As we are smoking out the dark hives on this realm they will b forced to come into the light of truth for all to see as they will eventually stand naked or transparent before the people w all truth of what they have really been up to all this time. This is on many levels as there is so many doin this for their own agendas. Its about service to self vs service for the whole. Whoever has the hot potatoe at the right time will b the one to confess n tell the truths as it will already b plain to see as if not already most dont see it but we will gwt details n confessions n solid proof of this n from many that have been victims, turned into doin their dirty work. We must accept what needs to b done n accept we are spiritual beings of light that have both a physical n ethereal body that both need to b taken care of. We will bring us out of a slave tax government in a grand heiarchy of torture n dark ages weve been in for so long n realize we have not truly been free all this time no matter how much they try to say this is the land of the free as most of us know from behind the curtains it is only an illusion based off of freedom of agency within their rules of order n selfish ways of manipulation of the mass population n the biggest hoax placed on humanity. As it has never in our lifetime truly been based upon free will!!!! Agency is not the same as will. And if we cannot use that we truly are not taking the true test. It would b a fake test. That is what we in is a true fake test. The right one got corrupted. But after all this we will show so much more growth because we still saw through it n had harder tests n still saw through it finally as we make our way back to the light through the 7 levels of what some deem as Heaven as we transition back to the Galactic Center. The seven suns. Sun n Son are referring to one n the same. Christ represents the energy returning to the hearts of man. The cosmos mirror whats inside of us. Go into ur temple n see what it looks like n feels like. That is the key n secret many do not interpretate n understand yet. So they keep tryin to build Gods kingdom outside themselves w materials of a physical world. God said his world is not made up of anything of physical in our realm. So why keep building n letting people starve n suffer?
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:15:40 +0000

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