I knew there was a window of time before the first of the vortex - TopicsExpress


I knew there was a window of time before the first of the vortex came rolling in, and I had a few outside tasks to accomplish before it washed over us. When the family moved into our partially finished house, some twenty seven years ago, we had little money for luxuries like landscaping. The house contained enough of the essentials to claim membership in the twentieth century, namely, warm, dry, hot shower, but that was about it. The structure didnt have a single porch and was itself a plywood box covered in Tivek. The front steps were made from some cut off beams, and we pretty much needed money for everything to finish the house. During our first spring in the new house, we bought five elephant ear bulbs, which combined with the grass I planted the previous fall, was the sum total of our landscaping. Every fall since then, Ive dug those bulbs out, dried them inside, and stored them away in a dog food bag. Six months later, I replant them and we enjoy their beauty all summer. This is one of the last things I do as winter closes in, and yesterday was the day. Over the years weve had varying success with these bulbs. In hot and wet years they flourish and make bunches of babies. In cool and dry summers they hang in there, but dont reproduce. The latter was the case yesterday. The poor things barely did anything, and were almost down to where we began. Im not giving up on them, theyre safely out of the cold and drying in the shop, but I wonder if they will eventually peter out. Well see how they do next spring. I raked up the last of the leaves, and as I was unloading them into the compost pile it began to mist. By the time the elephant ears were out of the ground, it was full on raining. This inclemency gave me the opportunity to fool with the images I shot of the logging this week. Like many of us, Ive come to a modicum of tech ability. Like it or not, it seems to be a requirement of the twenty first century. The two hundred page manual is a bit intimidating, but I figured since the camcorder was so easy to use I could down load the images into the computer and get a few of them up on you tube without much trouble. Well, I was half right. The download went smooth enough, and it was gratifying to see at least some of this footage is usable. I count on the tech stuff to automatically do the right thing, or at the very least, tell me what I need to do to make it work. The images went into its own file thats for whatever reason not connected to videos, or photos. I thought, okay, if it wants to be like that, so long as I can find it, who cares. Apparently you tube cares. I tried the simple upload and couldnt access the file. Fine, so I did the click and drag. The wheel started rolling, the page said it was loading and nothing happened. I tried again with the same result. Im not sure if the manuals original language was English. Some languages translate better than others. If it was originally written in Chinese, in my experience, it will be undecipherable. I wonder if this goes both ways. Either way its clear Im lacking the knowledge I need to post this material, and then theres the question of editing. This is another example of desire creating a learning process. I want to share this material, and Ill just have to learn how to make it happen. At least it didnt delete.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:04:49 +0000

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