I knew you once, before my fall. I have been awakened and have - TopicsExpress


I knew you once, before my fall. I have been awakened and have discovered many horrifying truths, this document focuses on one. The world that we operate/live in is under an evil commercial fabrication, a fraud established by others to usurp our potential energy. Shortly after you were conceived a contract was presented to your parent(s) (not a commemorative birth certificate as many assume). Through ignorance your parent(s) pledged your allegiance to their system via this contract. They put your organic signet (footprint, signature) on this contract then send it to another agent, who converts this contract into a birth certificate, which is actually is a bond that matures in value (a bond that is used and traded by Creditors on the open stock market). Your indebted citizenship is finalized with the adhesion of a vessel, the Social Security (number and card), which is used to navigate the corporate maritime waters. They created a dead thing at your live birth, a corporate YOU. They have fooled “You” into believing that you’re this dead thing, and “You” haplessly represent it in commerce. YOU and You are separate entities. The all-capitalized YOU is the Juristic PERSON (the paper YOU, the Strawman, the ENS LEGIS). The other (first letter capitalized the rest lowercase) is the flesh-and-blood sentient human being “You”, which has volition of thought; unlike the corporate paper YOU. What does this all mean? You are not an American as you may think. You were born an American but your “booty” was immediately seized and you were converted into a UNITED STATES citizen. Your natural rights were traded away for their legal privileges, and it’s all legally binding. This sinister system was instituted by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933, and has been masquerading behind all commerce for centuries in many different forms (since Babylon). The proof is recorded everywhere, in their law dictionaries, encyclopedias… in just about anything dealing with history and commerce. Unfortunately we [the common folk] have been too busy and/or distracted with what we deem as “life” to care. But once we’ve been done wrong by their system we want to cry and complain, in the end: they win and we’re stuck with the bill, and it’s all legal because you remained silent. Some question and seek as I do, but very few discover and have the capacity to understand the knowledge. I learned the hard way but have come out a better and wiser person. Unfortunately I can’t expose who I am at this time: others like me are under their radar because they don’t want you to wakeup. They need you to continue to be a docile, servile, cowardly puppet. We [The Awakened] are compelled to spread truth, which is against their mean. And if you are wondering “The Awakened” is not a cult (we’re not radicals, conspiracy theorists or anything anti or evil), it’s just a name that has been adopted. I know that this is a lot to swallow but don’t dismiss this outright; there is a term for those who can’t accept even the most blatant of truths, it’s called “cognitive dissonance”. I struggled with this information in the beginning, but as I uncovered more and more it all fell into place. So if your goal is to discredit this by all means please, just know that you won’t be able to. I leave you with a few breadcrumbs on this road to your own awakening. The Redemption Manual online: loveforlife.au/files/The%20Redmption%20Manual.pdf “The Redemption Manual 4th Edition” (ISBN# 978-0-9792397-0-0) americansbulletin.safestorefront/Merchant/?p1=95618 mccutcheons.info/redemption-manual-4-5-edition.html House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192) truthsetsusfree/HJR192.htm freedom-school/lewis-mohr/hjr-192-and-its-legal-effect.html Barton Buhtz explains The UCC-1 Redemption Process: letsrollforums/understanding-ucc-barton-albert-t19987.html?s=5a4b6f3de67b5587ce2f143c60194851& U.S. Debt clock: all of the UNITED STATES debt in real-time (aka Dooms Day clock) usdebtclock.org/ BLACK’S Law Dictionaries: You’ll needs this to understand the legal words & terminologies mindserpent/American_History/reference/1891_Black_1/1891_Black_1_index.html mindserpent/American_History/reference/1910_Black_2/1910_Black_2_index.html mindserpent/American_History/reference/1933_Black_3/1933_Black_3_index.html mindserpent/American_History/reference/1968_Black_4Rev/1968_Black_4Rev_index.html mindserpent/American_History/reference/1979_Black_5/1979_Black_5_index.html mindserpent/American_History/reference/1991_Black_6/1991_Black_6_index.html mindserpent/American_History/reference/1999_Black_7/1999_Black_7_index.html Lookup these words in any law dictionary (including BLACK’S): Person, Juristic Person, ENS LEGIS, Strawman, Alien, Public, Private, and Sovereign YouTube: just a few videos that cover the U.C.C. and other related subjects https://youtube/watch?v=SUdsIfxf0Jc https://youtube/watch?v=9IrnZcde3OM https://youtube/watch?v=XHl4j5xF-Js&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=XeCpLcjxOq4&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=BVov8ajcKuo&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=2LxY_H5V0Kw&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=yWUB4MCLsHg&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=Xbp6umQT58A&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=eZJoCfgAEuE&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=V55hC40BxD0&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=VWQmNmQd9rg&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=nbpF0AItMr4&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=UKK8eZ57L6Q&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=kC_RYgkkmcM&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=5Jbf95b6ov0&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=F2E_HP97Rzc&list=PLm6jC1OLXhw5CFKZDIUk9MkzjJ_HkbQY0 https://youtube/watch?v=UbaVU_rQaHE
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 03:52:17 +0000

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