I know Christmas is the time for giving/sharing, however this - TopicsExpress


I know Christmas is the time for giving/sharing, however this Government has failed to recognize that the significant decline in oil prices means a decline in the $$ earned by the main export of this country-OIL. Or is it that they just dont care? Imagine my shock when I heard via the printed and electronic media, that this Govt intended to import over 200 medical professionals from Uganda at the cost of over $100M TTD. Imagine in a country where native nurses are paid between $9K-$10K TTD monthly, they are seeking to bring in foreigners to increase the competitiveness of the profession. Firstly, due to the international exchange rate, the salaries paid to our nurses are way above those in Uganda. This means that when they come and work willingly for these wages to take back home, it decreases the bargaining power of our nurses in terms of salary negotiations. Now, in every 1st world nation, medical professionals are paid salaries which places them in the higher income earners of the society. But not in TnT; instead of providing so that our nurses can earn a comfortable wage to deal with our standard of living, they seek to undermine their survival by bringing in what amounts to scab labour. This ensures that (1) they pay local nurses small money whilst getting professional work (2) they discourage future potential nurses from being attracted to the profession, thereby showing the need to keep IMPORTING nurses. The internet is awash with nursing vacancies in the U.S., U.K. & Canada, which are being daily satisfied by our nationals. In seeking to provide a better life for their families, they are migrating and contributing to our present brain drain and shortage and what does our Government do? They are literally saying who want to go, can go; we ent bound for them.Let them take what we giving or others will. So once again I ask you, fellow citizens, at home and abroad, is this the attitude of a caring Government intent on helping its citizens or the actions of a power-hungry bunch of nepotistic sycophants seeking to bleed the nations resources, before their eminent departure? You decide, but dont beat up, its just my opinion.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 15:17:43 +0000

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