I know I Havent posted on FB for over 3 weeks but its PTSD - TopicsExpress


I know I Havent posted on FB for over 3 weeks but its PTSD awareness day and its important to me . Today I had a Dr. Appt. to get a possible cancerous mole removed off my right but cheek .. ( not fun ) I had a PTSD anxiety attack while having it done ..Im thankful for my service dog and nurse getting me through it and being so patient with me . Its not easy at all living with PTSD daily and it can take a toll on a person and is mentally exhausting . But I am proud of my self because today was the first time going out on my own with my fully trained service dog Asha and Tho the dr appt was very hard I did manage to get through it and afterwards I even went into my local store (quickly) and did great :) So please read up on PTSD if you know someone that suffers with it , so one can better understand what they deal with on a daily basis and why they are the way they are ...PTSD is not just military vets ...if you had a severe trauma such as car accidents,death ,rape, abuse , bombings , 911 etc. Anything trauma related you can get it .. All people deal with trauma different what can give it to one may not give it to the next person . It all depends on how bad the trauma was or how one can handles trauma . Some like my self have even had multiple traumas over time . And PTSD can show up at any time ( I blocked mine for 30 years and was diagnosed after a trigger in 2013 ) No one is immune to it . PTSD shows up on brain scans but is an invisible illness so people do not see anything wrong with you ( I also have fibromyalgia another disability also invisible ) So please learn about PTSD if you know someone with it and support them in their fight to feel somewhat normal again . I do not aspect any reply as most do not know what to say or understand it and thats ok , all I ask is to not quickly judge a person if they are not just like you . Examples : memory ,walking/moving/ starring off in space ( disassociation ) finding their words , paying attention etc. They are not dumb they could just have a medical issue like PTSD. Thanks for reading this if you did ,because this was not easy to share but I find it very important for people to be informed about things such as PTSD . Much
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 22:13:13 +0000

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