I know I have been very quiet of late. I need to get a schedule - TopicsExpress


I know I have been very quiet of late. I need to get a schedule of writing on this page. I was watching Joyce Meyer this morning and I always write down notes and bible verses and I found in the legal pad I was using my goals for this year. It isnt dated but it looks like I wrote this right around the first of January. I had looked for this and another break down of my goals over the year but didnt know where I had put them.... surprise.... This is what I wrote... On January 1st a lot of people make resolutions. I stopped making resolutions years ago. I do make goals though and do try to follow through on them but really dont know this for sure as I usually cant find what my goals are because I dont keep them someplace to look back on them. My major goal for 2013 was to get my house (most specifically my living room which is the dump room as it isnt really used) decluttered. I did not accomplish this goal :( .... it should have been done. I did make major strides toward this but wasnt consistent enough. I didnt realize how much stuff I have accumulated through procrastination and/or overspending. I learned a lot through many different organizational coaches and classes. I also have acquired issues with decluttering this room with Nicole and her health issues but that is another story. My goals for 2014 are only through March 1st at this point. I will continue to write and make goals from March 1st to May 1st in the mean time. I will only choose three things to focus on. I think this was a problem because I had too many goals and they were not specific enough. 1st goal is to lose 10 lbs before March 1st. I did weigh myself this morning (didnt write it down on this) I also need to do measurements (yuck). Im going to start exercising three days a week and do more physical activity such as housework etc instead of sitting at my desk so much. I will watch my chocolate and sugar intake. This I will need to accomplish by not bringing it into the house. I can bring some sweets in for Nicole and Rick but it will be those things I have self-control over. I will also watch my portion sizes. I have cut back on bread a lot (or at least until the holiday season) and want to continue that. I want to also focus on drinking more water. 2nd goal is decluttering my living room. I broke this down in zones and what the purpose is. For instance we have two wall bookcases and one is for books and the other is for photo boxes, binders, cookbooks, photo albums, journals etc. I also have purposes for storage of crafts etc. (This stuff I wrote down somewhere else and havent been able to find yet). 3rd goal was an idea I heard from Ellen Rogin about not making all your goals about things to do (lose weight, declutter, sky dive etc.) but also on emotions so the first word that came to my mind was peace. My goal through March 1st is to read one book on peace and write the scriptures for peace from several concordances . I really want peace with God, myself and with others. 4th goal is to save enough money by March 1st to buy a new iPhone. I also have a goal of putting away at least $200 a month into savings. I will have a consistent habit of keeping track and recording my expenses on a daily basis both for our family and for Nicole. 5th goal .... I won a scholarship for a Nutritional Healing class along with a couple other classes in a naturopathic course. My goal is to complete the nutritional healing class by consistently spending 30 minutes each day on this by scheduling this in my planner. I know I should have only listed three goals but these all weigh heavy on my heart. I know by recording these in a specific notebook (which also has a home) I will have these goals in front of me and will not forget them. I didnt do this though as you can see by me just finding this today. I would also like to work on being more diligent with keeping up with Nicoles medical notes and paperwork and not let it pile up. I will be happy to make a habit of filing all medical related paperwork once every two weeks (once again schedule in planner). I have so many things I want to work on and improve and I want to do them all at once. I also want to consistently keep updated in Evernote with daily happenings, phone calls, appointments etc. This is what I have actually accomplished based on this: 1st goal: I have lost 10 lbs (or at least until last week when we had company and my eating habits when to pot) but not by March 1st. I have not exercised consistently and mostly not at all. I have watched my portions and my sweets intake. I have drank more water but I still havent been able to drink a pitcher of water each day which is my goal or half of my body weight in ounces. 2nd goal: I have made more huge steps in this room but still have a long way to go. I was very consistent in here until a few weeks ago. Starting next week I will have to get back into this again and once again write it in my planner. 3rd goal: I did read a book by Joyce Meyer on Peace. I believe I wrote down some scriptures about peace from one concordance. I would like to read another book before the end of the year. I did hear Joyce Meyer say having peace is as easy as making the decision to have it. 4th goal: I did save enough to get a new iPhone but ended up using that money to pay our income tax :( I am hoping Santa will bring me one for Christmas. I did not meet the savings goal nor have I been consistent with tracking my spending for us or for Nicole. 5th goal: I have not worked on for the most part these classes. I think that my fear of not doing well and having to do some really tough assignments has blocked me. If I dont do it I cant fail or do badly. I have fallen short and still procrastinate whenever possible with keeping up with the administrative aspect of Nicoles health. I mean the notes, the paperwork. This is the things that Nicole really needs and wants me to help her with. I do need to make sure if something were to happen to me that she would have everything in order to take over on her own. I have not achieved this. Overall, I have fallen very short on these goals. Within the next week I am going to take these same goals and write down what I would like to accomplish by the end of the year.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 11:43:12 +0000

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