I know I havent exactly kept up with this, but better late than - TopicsExpress


I know I havent exactly kept up with this, but better late than never, right? I am thankful for my grandparents on both sides, because without them I wouldnt be here, or surrounded by the wonderful family that I have. I have learned a lot from them as well. For example, my poppy, Sidney Floyd Moye, from him I have learned to be as educated and as happy as possible. He is constantly telling me Read and learn everything you can. He is wise and properly educated about many things, and inspires me to be happy with my life so far and what is yet to come. He loves his friends and family dearly. When he is around, theres not a frown present. He just generally makes everyone happy. Most of all, he has made me realize how valuable family really is. I love him. Secondly, I am thankful for my Nana, Dana Pearman Moye. She gave birth to my beautiful mother, Sarah Howard Moye. She has taught me to be strong for yourself and the ones around you, and that family always comes first. She preaches constantly to put others before yourself. I love her. Also without her, I would definitely not be able to cook. Also, I am thankful for my dads parents. His dad has taught me to be a better person than him, and to never abandon my family as he has. My Mawmaw Net, Jeanette Asbury, I love her to death. She is one of the strongest women I know. She has been through so much, and still wears a smile each and everyday. She has taught me to be strong and to make others happy. She has also taught me to see the better things in life, and to always have fun. I love her. Lastly, I am so very grateful for my wonderful parents. They have taught me to make the best of a bad situation, and that sometimes its better to just laugh. They have taught me how to respect those who deserve respect. My mother has taught me to take the bad in life as a lesson for the future. She has showed me that its okay to not be okay sometimes. My mom is very understanding and excepting. She helps her family in anyway she can, and respect that so much. She is definitely the strongest of all, and has lost and sacrificed so many things for others. I love her with every fiber of my being, because without her, I would be lost. My dad, Dean Howard, has taught me to be humorous yet assertive. He has taught me to be willing to sacrifice anything for family, and to do so with a smile. I dont call my dad my father, because any man can be a father, but only a true man can be a dad, and my dad is the truest. My dad helps everyone as much as he can, and doesnt even ask for a thank you. I love my dad and without him, I definitely would know nothing about cars. My family is my life and I would do anything to assure their safety. I love them greatly.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:47:53 +0000

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