I know I know I am a disaster for posting atm but moving home and - TopicsExpress


I know I know I am a disaster for posting atm but moving home and starting a Masters is serious business so do forgive me! I just wanted to throw up a few things I learned over the past few months regards my training. Hopefully it might help you guys with yours! 1) Diet- You cannot outwork a bad diet so make good choices. However, a treat or two here and there will not undo all your hard work so dont panic if you have an off day. 2) Hydration Staying well hydrated is key for good concentration and focus. Often we think we are hungry when in fact we just need some water. Make sure you carry a water bottle with you at all times! 3) Sleep I cannot tell you enough just how important sleep is. It gives your body time to recover and it really sets you up for the day. I found that on days where I did not get enough sleep (7 hours or more) my workouts/day was that bit harder. So do not underestimate the importance of sleep - give your body and mind the rest they deserve! 4)Dont lose sight of what is really important Working out and eating well are important and it can make you feel good about yourself but it is not the be all and end all. Do not get too caught up in macros and gym antics. As I said, they are important but so are your friends, family and different experiences that life throws your way. It is ok to sacrifice things to achieve your goals but just remember not everything needs to be chucked by the waste side to reach the top. 5) Push yourself It is so easy to go through the motions but to get serious results it is important to test yourself. Set yourself a challenge at each workout and try and improve each time. 4 intense sessions a week are a lot more beneficial than 6 grand ones which leads me to my next point..... 6) NB - Quality, not quantity! The amount of time you spend in the gym does not dictate your success. It is all about the effort you put it, the commitment you invest in every workout. 7) Dont sell yourself short Steve Cooke wasnt born the way he is now. We all have to start somewhere and it is important to realise that your goals can be as high as you want them to be. Now, they wont be handed to you but one thing I have learned over the past number of years and something I always remind myself is that HARD WORK GOES A LONG WAY! I hope they help! I am 5 days in Loughborough and I am loving it! I fly back to Dublin tomorrow however for no more than 24hours as I have an exciting shoot to do:D Here is a pic of the gym I will be using for the next year - As you can imagine, I am one happy camper! That only shows about half of the gym btw just to make you really jealous:) However ahead of tomorrows antics it is wine oclock for me:) (No I will not drink the whole bottle:)) As you can tell it was tan oclock not so long ago too :) Kate xx
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:06:56 +0000

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