I know I need to share my testimony because all she speaks of - TopicsExpress


I know I need to share my testimony because all she speaks of right here Ive been through and came out on the other side thanks to my God. I know there are more women like me and her. God kept me, he saved me and my heart belongs to Him first now. It wasnt always like that. Waiting on Him and saving myself for Gods best. Ive been through pain and heartbreak, betrayal and brokeness at the hands of someone I put before God. Who I loved and didnt love me back the way God wants me to be loved. Many times Ive been robbed of Gods best left hurt, wounded and used because I have so much love to give like she speaks of in her video but gave it to the wrong men. I didnt believe I was worth more so I settled for the worst. But God still rescued me, He received me and restored me because I am His daughter. I didnt have an earthly Father who could tell me what I was worth. Didnt have an earthly Father to protect me when the wolf came knocking but I have a Heavenly Father and He is a King. I traded in my guilt, my shame and my pain for His Grace, His Mercy, His Love. God kept me and now I know, as I continue on my journey of healing and restortation is He makes bearuiful things out of dust. I need to share my testimony with women who dont know there worth. The bible says a Virtuous women is worth more than rubies. We are daughters of the King and Im waiting on Gods best. Nothing and no one is worth my virtue or me losing my soul. God is teaching me what a strong and courageous man looks like. Jesus is their example. Hes pure love, ultimate courage, steadfast fauthfulness, full of integrity, honesty and trust worthy. Hes a protector a provider and sees my worth. Thank you Lord for what youve done for me. Now I can I can soar the way you intended me too. You freed my heart up for you. All I had to do is surrender it all and believe in you.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 17:54:46 +0000

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