I know I talk about our tri-plex a lot, but its because of stories - TopicsExpress


I know I talk about our tri-plex a lot, but its because of stories like Jennifers. She is taking the tri-plex plus the x-factor. Just read her story and see how Plexus is about your total health. Plexus will work, if you stick with it and take the products correctly. The stop and go will not show results. Look at me, I am consistent and I feel good and my new size 7s are already loose on me in only 2 months. You want the weight to come off slow, it will stay off.But lets focus on the true meaning of Plexus and that is to get you healthy from the inside. You need to focus on you and invest in you. When the math is all done you will see it is cheaper to purchase Plexus then to continue living not feeling good everyday. Jennifer says: I went for my yearly physical yesterday, which to be honest I havent had in several years and the doc and I were reviewing my medical history and familys medical history. Heart disease runs in my family so it is something I want to make sure Im taking better care of myself and with BP at 103/65 Id say so far so good! EKG came back perfect! And one of the things we were reviewing was my allergies. I had to list any supplements I was taking, so I listed the Plexus products I take daily (pink drink, probio5, biocleanse, and xfactor vitamin). I did immunotherapy years ago because they were so bad, but with a child, working full time, and school full time I just didnt have time to continue. And earlier this year I started breaking out in hives all over again, something I hadnt done in a few years. When I started Plexus in April, it wasnt until June that I noticed those hives were not happening as often, and I hadnt had a single sinus infection all Spring! And my best friend Renee Fontenot Norris will tell you, I stayed sick and on antibiotics and steroids because they happened so often! It has been 8 months on my journey, no more hives, and not a single sinus infection! I still have the occasional allergy symptoms, but nothing like it once was! I told him I once had 63 environmental allergies, and now it was cut down significantly! The list below shows the current things Im allergic to and MOLD is no longer one of them, which before was a significant allergy! I say all of this because I know living in Tennessee, allergy sufferers like me would love some relief! I truly believe the probio5 is what has helped dramatically!!!! I never knew allergy and sinus symptoms were symptoms of poor gut health! TIL NOW!!!! NOW Im a believer that the healthier my gut is, the healthier I am!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:26:26 +0000

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