I know Ill catch crap for this but so be it...Was reading a post - TopicsExpress


I know Ill catch crap for this but so be it...Was reading a post the other night... Friend, presumably in her late 40s, was saying how she couldnt believe the numbers of men in her peer group, were in committed relationships yet still trolling dating sites... Several comments said they knew off the same thing... PEOPLE! WTH? We keep year books and we cherish the notes in the covers... We reminisce about fishing with our dads... Moms good and sometimes mundane regular dinners, about how mom or dad cried when the other passed... This is the world 90% of us grew up in, or at least I did and my circle of friends.... Moms, dads, sisters and brothers our times together, our close friends, they make up the story of our life... They make us who they are... Of my kids peers, I would estimate that about 25% come from intact unbroken homes... What kind of legacy are we leaving our kids? I know of several kids that have passed through my kids lives that live with Grandparents... All well and good I guess, considering, but in 20 years time, will there even be intact grandparents around to take on this role? The basic building block of society has always been two, come together, raise a family, rear their children, prepare them for life, prepare themselves for the later years etc... Now this isnt about traditional marriage about the whole man & woman controversy... Not at all... Its about those in relationships, whatever that means to you, committing, building a life, and planning to take care of eachother through thick and thin... Marriage, committed relationships, domestic partnerships, whatever your chosen path, are not only better for life, but may I be so bold to say, they are a civic responsibility... Sure we as a people, bound by our citizenship can provide socially for the five or ten percent range of society not having a social insurance net in the form of a family, but how can we provide for 60% or more having no one to turn to when things like health starts to fail, financial or physical tragedies come? This really is starting to make me wonder.... Are we really that certain that Ole Uncle Samuel will take care of us? I see daily signs that our society is coming apart at the seams and I can only conclude that the breakdown of the family unit has played a pretty significant part... So back to the original thought... Marriage, committed relationships... Do we think all the betrayal, the sleeping around is gonna fill some void? Is this penchant for thrill really worth it... Our commitments we make to one another have only part to do with wanting to feel Loved... They are, at least spiritually, biblically, purposed to give us history, and moreover to take care of each other when one is no longer able, or for our youngins still unable to fend for themselves... We have become so driven with the pursuit of self gratification and self satisfaction, that we will sacrifice even the stability and foundation for our children and loved ones in pursuit there of... There is an ever increasing block of American society that has become preoccupied with the damming of the rich and wealthy, calling them greedy and unfair, yet we fail to see our own flesh and mental greed for the pursuit of butterflies in the stomach.... Which i hypothesize is one of the primary causes of widespread poverty, emotionally and financially... This is really why I am writing a book on marriage... I think marriages basic purpose is to serve one another... To take care of one another... And if we truly concentrate on the fulfillment of one another, that sence, feeling of love and fondness becomes a natural dividend... I know that there will be those who will say what about abusive relationships and such... Trust me no one should stay in that situation... But if two people were truly committed to one another, would abuse really be a factor? Theres a lot more to say, but Ill close with this... We go through life, looking for connection, looking to belong to something, wanting our life, our memories to mean something... For me, I can glance across the room, at this lovely angel, recovering from surgery, and smile about the 27 years of memories we have made, my lifes love story, a movie if you will... It has blessed my life more than money, possesions, or than any of those experiences could have been alone... I only wish that for you.... Let the ritual flogging for my rambling above commence.... Peace yall....
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:33:32 +0000

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