I know Im young and cant say much about this because I aint no - TopicsExpress


I know Im young and cant say much about this because I aint no better but I think its time for all us young ladies and mens to bow down to our father in heaven,respect our elders if u dont even know them u still need to show respect I know our grandparents can really work a nerve but they just going though that stage so u just have to hold ur tongue and say yes I understand because they would never tell us wrong because they are more wiser and they been on this earth longer than us so they all ready did the things we doing so they just watching us bring ourselves down ,its not all about money why everybody trying to stunt it probably aint even they money so stop flossing for the book I know must of black people getting the money they had the wrong way anyways boy stop get a job because that lil cash u hustling to get will not always be there get a job so ur money can keep coming or just go to jail and we ladies we shall aint like young ladies my grandmother use to tell me ladies shall be seen not heard and I believe her and another u dont have to wear clothes that show all ur skin and goodies let a men wonder whats hideing behind them clothes and just because a men says something nice to u dont just give it up so easy because hell get u pregnant and wouldnt take responsibility and just leave if a man really wants u he would wait until u ready and u dont have to be in a rush because ur body is precious mens I think u men should stand up and be a men so Facebook friends and family I have to go
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:56:30 +0000

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