I know WE voted! Our top 10% voted for what benefits them. - TopicsExpress


I know WE voted! Our top 10% voted for what benefits them. Typically the White vote is split evenly between Democrat/Republican....this time 60% of White America voted Republican....the strategy was to tear us down continually on ALL fronts...kill our boys and make it seem like WE are against police #policebrutality sabotage President Obama by refusing federal aid to help us through this economic decline. The unemployment numbers have mainly fluctuated in OUR race...Ive researched and paid attention. WE are mainly employed by federal, state and local agencies....when they cut Government spending, they are cutting OUR jobs. This aint nothin new. They do not deserve our trillion in spending. #trimthefat #spendBlackfirst #blackstrategy #effectiveimmediately It was the last sentence about making Obama a one-term president that got all of the attention, but it was his second sentence that was revealing. Republicans had a plan to take back the government. Step one was to win back the House, which they did in 2010. Step two was to win back the Senate, which they accomplished in 2014. Step three has always been to win back the White House in 2016. The genius of the plan was that it was a hostage situation. Republicans took the legislative process hostage and refused to pass anything. Senate Republicans obstruction legislation big and small all with the goal of building frustration and discontent with government. After the American people had become enraged by “broken Washington,” Republicans promised that Washington could be fixed if they were given control of the Senate. Never did Republicans admit that they were the reason Washington was “broken.” Instead, they blamed the people who were trying to get things done. Republicans blamed Sen. Harry Reid and President Obama. The GOP ran a con on the American people. They created the problem then promised to solve it. The bad news is that the con worked like a charm. On Election Night, Democratic Senate candidates never had a chance. Candidates who ran good campaigns were defeated, and in every state the Republican message was the same, “Elect us and end the gridlock in Washington.” It was all a scam that has led to Republicans being two-thirds of the way towards accomplishing their goal of a government takeover. The problem is that the Republican plan may have worked a bit too well. The American people are expecting action from the Congress, and Democrats are now poised to whip up outrage as the Senate minority. In 2016, it won’t be red state Democrats, but blue state Republicans who will be on the ballot fighting for their seats. Republicans won’t have Obama to blame anymore. The GOP will be held accountable by a bigger electorate. Given these factors, it will surprise no one if the Senate confidence men and women meet their 2016 demise at the hands of their own con.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:47:20 +0000

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