I know a Brother that is getting ready to go to court to face a - TopicsExpress


I know a Brother that is getting ready to go to court to face a child support hearing from his childs mother. As expected he is going through a myriad of emotions, because what the mother of his child is doing is SO unnecessary and she is doing so out of spite and vindictiveness. What I have explained to the brother is that Bitterness is such a powerful emotion. It supersedes everything. Even MATERNAL INSTINCT! As Mothers we are supposed to protect our children, but when we are bitter we will sacrifice our children to properly execute our agenda. They have a daughter together, and that is a very dangerous relationship to tamper with. The relationship between father and daughter is CRUCIAL in regards to how she will view men, what to expect from men, what to enforce from men and how to chose a man. So when there is a deliberate attempt to taint that relationship what we are ultimately doing as mothers is gambling with our daughters development as it pertains to future relationships. And if we are successful with our interference and there IS a shift in the relationship(not due to LACK of his effort, but if the seeds planted about the father began to grow in the mind of the daughter)and if our daughter eventually makes unhealthy relationship choices we will blame that on the father, but all the while it was the MOTHER that orchestrated it all. One of the most dangerous places for a child to be in addition to the womb of a bitter woman is in the CUSTODY of a bitter woman. A child can be taken away for physical abuse but what about verbal, mental, emotional and psychological abuse? When a child is unable to speak of missing her father for fear of being yelled at by her Mother? When spending time together a child is committing everything to memory, enjoying every moment spent with their father because they arent sure when they will see him again because of the bitterness that resides in the mother. When a child has to constantly hear her mother and the cackling hens around her spew venom about Black Men, the Black Men that THEY chose to be fathers. Can you imagine what that must do the mind of a child? To their psyche and development? These types of situations have become commonplace in our communities, and as always when I call for women to be held accountable the replies are normally that he should fight. While I am not suggesting that Brothers give up on their children do we know how hard it is for a Black Man to receive ANY fair treatment in a court of law, ESPECIALLY in a court where the court rules in FAVOR of bitterness, irresponsibility, selfishness, and doesnt hold women accountable? Not only does he have to fight against child support, request visitation but the most important battle that he is fighting against is INFLUENCE and most of the influence takes place in the WOMB!!! A man has NO control of his child while he/she is developing in the womb of the mother. She has the ability to fashion the child by the way of HER thoughts. See how as women ALWAYS shift the burden to the men? Again we say fight, fight, fight, but its rarely told to the Woman to FIGHT against her BITTERNESS, fight against her VINDICTIVENESS, fight against her PAIN and focus on being ACCOUNTABLE and try to HEAL. Nope. He is told to fight while she is allowed to travel down a destructive path and take all the children she bears with her.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 13:43:00 +0000

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