I know a lot of you have been waiting to hear what my next move is - TopicsExpress


I know a lot of you have been waiting to hear what my next move is going to be, and after all the legal red tape and last-minute phone calls Im PROUD to announce that Ive accepted the morning host job at KHITS in Tulsa, Oklahoma starting August 11. Here is the official press release: allaccess/net-news/archive/story/131917/khtt-welcomes-sid-kelly-for-mornings My whole career has been spent waiting for the opportunity to build an entire show from the ground up and provide the audience with the type of radio Ive been perfecting since I was a baby DJ. While this opportunity is a dream come true, it is with an extremely heavy heart that I leave behind several friends Ive made throughout the years here in Northwest Ohio. You all know who you are, and Im sorry to have to leave you behind, but Im positive that all of you understand that my family comes first. Emily and I were married here, my son, Tyler was born here, as was my mega-hyper dog Cooley, and Ive learned skills I thought Id never have the time to learn again. N. W. Ohio will ALWAYS hold a huge spot in my heart. I wish I can name all of you, but Im afraid Id leave someone out and hurt their feelings. The truth is, I love this city. From the Polish Fest and German Fest, Walleye games, moving Halloween, replacing a thief that stole more than just cash, to repairing relationships in a building that seemed to go less and less noticed as time went on; I enjoyed myself. The truth is I busted my ass to remove the putrid taste in this communities mouth that was left there by my former colleague. - and I use the word colleague very lightly. The fact that the company used the excuse that I made too much money to justify not renewing my contract was cowardice. They hired me to clean up a show that was horribly off track and misguided, only to rehire the person responsible for their downfall. The station Im going to is one that has welcomed me with open arms and makes me feel as appreciated as the listeners here in Toledo. There are so many things I want to say about this situation but you know what, it doesnt matter. Karma will envelop those back stabbing people and I know the audience here in Toledo has already caught on to the shenanigans. It doesnt take a brain surgeon to determine where the pulse for that show came from. I will move on, and they will work out the little time they have left before corporate discovers they are not taken seriously and Karma will be called upon to do its vastly overdue work. My show will be available online, but since it is NOT Clear Channel, it will not be featured on iHeart Radio. I will miss you all, especially the following people (in no particular order) Trevor Toral, Mike, Eric, Bill, Total Pet Care, Shawn B., Tim, Gary, 2B Wireless, The entire AMAZING Nazareth Hall staff, Jay and Margarete Komisarek Otting, Penn Station, Pain Management, Dr Frankel and Dr Amber Puhl (best ever!!) Shooters of Maumee, Photographer Michael Nemeth, Tony Geftos, Toledo Free Press Star, Janet Amid, the month of September and August, Michael Miller, Toledo Fire and Police Department, Gun Teachers, Barry Bagels, El Valquero, The Andersons and too many more to name. (If I forgot you its not intentional...there are too many to name!) As you can see, this community has embraced me and my family and made me feel at home. I absolutely love Toledo (East-West and all). I also want to thank Dr Lisa Lisa Pescara Kovach - and her amazing work ensuring kids have a place to go when they are bullied. Lisa is an amazing asset to this community and if anyone deserves a medal its her. Thank you Lisa, you will always be an inspiration to me. I hope I turn out to be half the amazing parent you are. To be honest there is not enough room to thank everyone responsible for my happiness, so I offer up a big THANK YOU to all of you. My last day in Toledo will most likely be next Wednesday, August 7th and it will be a bitter/sweet day. I want to thank all of you that made the transition extremely simple for me, and allowed me to change the show from one that accepted shady deals in exchange for air time to one of honor and journalistic integrity. Anyone that furrows their eyebrows at that statement are hiding the truth, and know how bad it really was. Im positive there are still things like that happening, but not nearly as bad as they used to be. I guess thats a step in the right direction, right? I will miss you Toledo. I never thought Id ever say that, but truer words have never crossed my lips. I love The Glass City, even though some people fought to ensure I would never be given a chance to utter those words. All I have to say to them is that I am in this business because I have the talent, knowledge and a love for it. I refuse to play the games responsible for that success and if my job was less secure because of it, so be it. The truth is I left Kiss better off than when I found it. I hit EVERY bonus offered except one, even when the station changed the guidelines by which a bonus was attainable. Im happy to have lived here, and I will miss all of the great people Ive met and became friends with. Thank you Toledo! I love you, and will miss you! OH....
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:11:25 +0000

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