I know at least 2 of the 3 nurses that were with me in labor and - TopicsExpress


I know at least 2 of the 3 nurses that were with me in labor and delivery follow me on this page and if Kelli doesnt can one of the others (or anyone else that works with her) tell her for me ... You 3 were nothing less than angles! You all took your time out for me to make sure I was as comfortable as possible and made sure both mine and Davids wishes were meant and that we both got to hold and see mason as much as physically possible ... You made sure you were there for me if it was crying with me praying with me sitting in the room for well over an hour moving a monitor on my belly over and over and over so it would work when I wanted to lay on my belly or holding my hand when I realized that it was time to push and I started freaking out because I wasnt sure I was ready or listening for masons little heart beat for a couple minutes strait for me hoping to hear it one more time or holding my hand when you told me he had passed or making little moldings of masons beautiful little hands and feet or a book of everything of his in it. This is a very extremely small amount of what all they have done for me the past 3 days and I wanted to thank you all! You have NO idea just how much you have done for me and just how amazing you 3 are! ❤️
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 23:38:44 +0000

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