I know everyone wants to know the story so here it is! We had - TopicsExpress


I know everyone wants to know the story so here it is! We had received calls from two different people over the last two days with reports of seeing Tucker crossing Stanley Rd. between 8-9 pm. by the new bank that is being built. Yesterday, around 7:30pm, we went to the bank area and put up deer cameras in hopes of verifying that Tucker was coming back to the same spot. While at the bank with Chase Martin and Melinda Durr, Chase received a call from the Roachs that own the pasture across the street. They had spotted Tucker coming across the pasture. We hurried to their home and I entered the pasture but he ran in the woods at the end of Goldsby. This gave us the proof that we needed! I had already made plans with Kim Jerrison and Amanda Reed to bring Amandas female to the vets office hoping her scent would lure him if he was still in the area. The timing was perfect after knowing that he wasnt far. We put Naz in one of the outdoor play areas, filled up a food bowl and waited. Kim was behind one wooden gate, Amanda was behind the other, and I was stationed under the covered area so I could see the street. My daughter, Brittany, and good friends Jim and Denise Brady and Heidi ODell were posted down the street at the bank. An hour went by with no sign of Tucker, so I asked Brittany, Jim, Denise, and Heidi to drive down Goldsby and shine their lights our way. It worked! Tucker popped out of the woods onto Church St.! He went and visited with Naz for a minute then made his way toward the wooden gate of the vets office. But, of course, it couldnt be that easy! He knew that something wasnt right and kept smelling the air (dont forget that Kim and Amanda were behind the gates). He circled, sniffed, and ran back across the street and disappeared. I sent Brittany and her crew back to Goldsby and it wasnt long before he was back in our sights. He was still very unsure about coming through the gate but finally, after an hour of praying, watching, and sitting as still as statues, he came in the back gates and Amanda and Kim jumped up and closed them! I turned on the lights and got down on my knees and starting calling him. He came toward me, then recognized me, then tackled me! He was jumping around and whining and I put the leash on him! Jim and Denise had contributed some leftover meatloaf so he wolfed that down in two seconds and drank three bottles of water. He has lost 10 lbs., added a few scratches and ticks, but overall he is doing great! Thank you all so very much!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:52:36 +0000

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