I know if I am sick of all the excuses people give why they cant - TopicsExpress


I know if I am sick of all the excuses people give why they cant sow into the life of someone in need. Why they wont join in serving God by serving the poor, why they dont trust God enough to step and Bless someone who is poor. You better believe God is really angry. They can tithe to a religious person leader why? For recognition from that leader, or is to get the money back at tax time, which is really not a reason to tithe! So sick of people being mean to those of us who try to open their eyes to the truth of God real word and not the made up controlling word of man. Everybody on FB got a title, got a word, posting a scripture, but who is really doing the word? All I ask is the each person send $1 to the one in need, dont send anything to me, but send it directly to the ones in distress. These same ones with the titles and big ministries refuse to help with even $1. I have been doing this for 15 years! So I ask God why did you give me this assignment, to see me fail? The Lord said you have no failed, you are doing what I told you to do, my plan never fails. God knew men would not give and help each other, just like the priest in Malachi robbed God by keeping the bet for themselves and not helping the poor. Nothing has changed, these wanna be leaders are still doing the same thing and robbing God. God told me to continue to encourage people to give and love the poor, by doing this what is truly in their hearts will be exposed! This ministry of giving, God is using it as a measuring tool! The Lord is looking into the hearts of those who say they love Him, so God says if you Love me, why are you not loving the poor? Where is your love and compassion for the poor? Weighed, and found wanting because of the lack of Love towards each other and the poor. So God showed me my ministry IS doing His will, it is serving a purpose in Gods Kingdom. I seeing all these posts about the new season of blessing, God is taking from the wicked and giving to the righteous and I see all these people claiming this! Dont they know it is wicked to ignore the poor? Everybody in America can come up with a $1, no excuses for that. My dream was to start with a 1000 people who would give $1 and send to the person in need. Never happened, so far I got 1 faithful giver, someone who knows how important the poor are to God. And I have seen how God has BLESSED his life since he joined me. I feel so sorry for all these who dont think God command to Love your neighbor and to care for the poor are important! It is very important to God, He is looking into the hearts of people, He has given you a chance to love the poor and you refuse, have many excuses such as I tithed my 10% already. Wow but you want 100% from God for your life! God gave sacrificially and generously when He gave up Jesus for us. We are made in Gods images, we should be ready to give the same way He does. No more excuses if you reading this you have been warned! Repent and Love, Bless someone today!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 18:53:10 +0000

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