I know in our generation the thousand incidents linked to Allahs - TopicsExpress


I know in our generation the thousand incidents linked to Allahs help to our Armed forces in these incidents is being mocked, the books that narrate these stories are called propaganda and much more but hearing the same and many more stories directly from my Grandfather and Grandmother who fought at front line along with Army and then also from my mother and father who were not married at the time but remember every moment clearly and what they saw with their own eyes, made me believe them. What I dont understand is that if we claim to be muslims then I am sure we have read about the wars in times of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and how Allah helped them then why we dont think that same Allah is capable of doing that again? Does it mean we dont hv the same level of faith on Allah? Or does it mean we do not believe in all those stories from Quran too.... I dont know what is it and why we hv lost faith on our religion, country, armed forces and even on ourself..... Yes situation in Pakistan is really bad but being muslim we were taught how to be the best form of human beings which means people of faith, (who do justice, who are honest, who help the needy, who care for every living thing let alone humans. Who are taught to respect every religion. Who are advised to get education and who first time in world gave women the rights to stand next to men only to hv diffirent responsibilities but same level. Who taught that in Allahs eyes all human beings are Equal and the supiriority will only be judged by the good deeds he/she has done for others not just prayers.... and the list goes on n on n on.....) so how come we left our teachings and started blaming the religion for our failure. ..... even some of us go to the level of questioning the faith and the reason of partition .... Its just shocking and sad that instead of looking into our own actions we found it easy to blame everything on others, on religion, on partition and politicians. .... I, myself and rest of my fellow countrymen I dont know how much more we want to see, how much more we will fall into depths of humiliation as a nation before we will wakeup..... at times like these my only hope is Allah.... to do a miracle, to fill our hearts once again with faith and love of mankind, to follow the true teachings of Islam which is haqooq al ebaad means the duty we have towards rest of human beings without any seperation of colour and faith coz I know once we ll go back to our true faith.... Allah will help us in the same way.... Hopelessness is forbidden in Islam so I hope that day will come soon ...... Beyshak he is the most merciful
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 02:07:32 +0000

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