I know it sounds crazy. That our world leaders - our governments - - TopicsExpress


I know it sounds crazy. That our world leaders - our governments - are Nazis - and satan worshipers. But its a fact - we as a people here on Earth - will have to deal with. We must find a way to stop their power, their control - there is not much time to respond to that. I sincerely hope that you understand the extent that the problems - we are about to solve quickly. ----- We learn in school about the Bible and our history. We learn that the Crusades - it was good against evil. Thats right - we were the evil tyrants. Who was then the righteous? --- There are many people who believe in God - that God exists and the Bible is true - what about the book of Enoch? - It tells a lot more. Read it - if you dare, its not fun reading - but then comes the Bible, which barely mentions Enoch. Nevertheless, Enoch is fifth from Adam. So - he lived before Noah (Genesis 5:32-10:1) and Metusala (Genesis Chapter 5) ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metusala. ... Enoch is the first scribe in the world, he tells how Lucifer came to Earth with his angels - what he is - who he is - what he wants ... It is Lucifer - all Illuminatti members grow and believe in - rather than God. Why? - In school we never heard about Enoch - why? - Beware of those who bear false gifts and broken promises. Ladies and gentlemen. That is what is happening now. They think they are getting something in return - by releasing the evil on Earth. But de er in for a big surprise ... .... According to several records - it turns out - that we actually are not as smart as we think. --- We are well trained - we know everything - we mean everything - we do not really know more about the Earth - and life here - plants - fish - ect. - We know about 23% of all - its scary. even - we can not believe - that the leaders - we have chosen, can be evil. Not against us - their own. We believe in God and that there are demons, evil spirits, but only in Hollywood. What if we found out something else. ---- Whatever you want to call him—Satan, Lucifer, the big red fellow, or just the plain old devil—understand this fact: He is real. He’s not a little red cartoon character with pointed ears, a pointed tale, and a pitchfork. He is far more sinister and diabolical than that. Satan is alive and well, and he seeks to destroy you. In 1 Peter 5:8 the Bible says, “Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Even within Christian circles many today are choosing to ignore him and act as if he doesn’t exist, and you know what? That’s exactly what he desires! This is perhaps one of the most effective and deceptive spells hell has cast on humanity today. He knows the more covert he is, the more potent he can be. The late Keith Green had incredible insight when he penned some sobering words concerning Satan. The song “No One Believes in Me Anymore” is a narrative from the viewpoint of Satan concerning his own existence. He describes how easily he is gaining power by the hour because no one believes in him anymore. Satan is most effective when he is not acknowledged or believed in, and he knows it. Never forget: It’s impossible to defeat an enemy that you refuse to admit exists. On of the greatest tragedies of the day is that much of the church is filled with unbelieving believers—people who want only to believe the portions of the Bible that make them comfortable. Those who scoff at the existence of a literal devil surmise that to believe in such a being is illogical and unrealistic. But the questions must be asked: Who’s really unrealistic? How else can we explain the moral and spiritual abyss that our society has plunged into? How can we justify the millions of lives that have been wrecked, robbed, and ruined by war and famine? What about the Holocaust or the bombing of the World Trade Center? Every time a child is abused, a child is raped or someone is persecuted because of the color of his skin, it further reinforces the reality of an existing devil. The ones who take exception to the belief in a real devil and his influence in the world would certainly then deny that he has any influence at all over their lives. The truth, however, is quite the contrary. Satan and his demons are consumed with influencing and affecting the individual lives of everyday people. The longer I’ve lived the more I’ve come to realize: The devil has a scheme but God has a plan. Satan will do—and is doing—everything he can do to thwart the plan of God for your life. Satan doesn’t just hate the world. He hates you. The hatred the devil operates in is so volcanic and intense that it really defies logic. It’s hard to imagine that there is such a being that has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Satan is pure evil. He exists, and he is supremely dedicated to his unholy cause. I want to say this with great conviction and clarity: Satan is your adversary. He is more than just an enemy of God, the church or the pastor. Satan is your personal adversary, and you will never have a greater foe than the devil. Satan hates you because every time he sees you, he sees God. Now I am certainly not saying that we are God, but we are a reflection of Him. We are made in the image of our Creator. Satan hates you because you have stolen his job, and you’re better at it than he was! Remember now, Satan was the worship leader in heaven. The worship he brought to God was the most beautiful thing in all the cosmos, but he lost his way and when he lost his way he lost his job. There is now a new reflection of God’s light today. The new reflection of God’s light and glory is you and me. It’s His children who have been redeemed by the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. Our song is the loveliest song in the entire universe because it’s the song of the redeemed! Satan hates you so much because God loves you so much. God loves you so much. Stop for just one moment and let that peace-bringing, hope-giving statement sink into every fiber in your being. God. Loves. You. So. Much. In fact, why not make that statement personal? Declare this very moment, “God loves me so much!” (See Romans 8:31-39).
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:28:40 +0000

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