I know its important to some of you but if Im honest and I always - TopicsExpress


I know its important to some of you but if Im honest and I always am, getting a bit bored with the overweening definitions. I suppose I dont need to know all eveyone is or what they wish/want to be. It almost feels to me as if the microscope has taken over asylum and what were discovering is not as interesting as what was always there. God, I know the journey of self discovery is often a wonderful one but what may be revelation to some is possibly old hat to someone like me. Not being a meany but if we keep shouting everything about our individualised selves from any rooftop available were in reality just gonna be listening to the same old things on repeat. Doesnt it get cold on the rooftops surrounded by all that howling wind? Crowds can be warmer. I know the power of personal story telling but there has to be more in the tale than you. Be on your journey and please enjoy nay even love it but not everyone can or will want to go on it with you and heres the hard bit, nor should they. Our increasing individualism may be great for one but it cant be everything to everybody. I like plot and character me, I like people and stories who arent only me or mine. There just might be a lot more to be said when you remove the microscope from the petri dish, more to see when you take your eyes off the lens . Gx
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:57:33 +0000

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