I know its late but I just finish watching Moms Night Out. For all - TopicsExpress


I know its late but I just finish watching Moms Night Out. For all my mommies out there, if you havent gotten a chance to watch this movie, then I highly recommend it. Its very inspirational, funny and to the heart movie. Its ideal for ALL moms. After watching it I started to cry (Im still crying). As a mom we have so much on our plate it is unbelievable. I know we wake up every morning, wondering what is going to be the next thing on the list for today. In the first 15 minutes of us waking up we have done a complete run through of every little detail that has to been today. Whats for breakfast, what the kids are going to wear, any appointments, any meetings and the list goes on. Unfortunately our job, well . . . its never done. After all that, we still dont find time for ourselves. If we havent completed a task, it begins to feel like tick, then it becomes a burden and finally, our final thought, we failed . . . miserably . . . but we havent. One of the verses the movie uses is from Ephesians 2:10 (New Living Translation), For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Wow, a masterpiece. I know there are days that we dont feel like one. That we feel like failures, a big mess of chaos. Always second guessing ourselves over everything and then feel that we can even do that right. But my beautiful, intelligent, wonderful ladies, women after Gods own heart, we are perfect, just the way we are. God doesnt focuses on how perfect we can be for Him or anyone else for that matter. What matters is what you do with all that He has given you. The plans that He intended for you to complete. And we have been blessed to give birth and bring into this world bundles of joy or giving the opportunity to adopt and raise them. Many of use have thought they dont come with instructions, but they do. We need to ask God for it. We have the most important job of all. Our job as a mom is a good thing, as God said. Worth more than the most paying position in the world. We are raising men and women of God. We are nurturing future Pastors, Missionaries, Childrens Directors, Worshipers, Youth Pastors, and the list goes on. God doesnt make mistakes. Everything He does is part of His plans for our lives. Mom . . . YOU ARE PERFECT. YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE. GOD CREATED YOU EXACTLY THE WAY HE WANTED YOU TO BE. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE BLESSED TO BE CALLED A MOM. YOU ARE WHERE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE. And no one in this world can say or do otherwise. God knows everything that you have been through, everything you are going through and everything that awaits for you. He will never give you more than what you can handle. He will only give you what will make you stronger. Because you need to be strong, to raise strong men and women of God. Dont give up on God. Dont give up on your family. And most importantly, dont give up on yourself. God will find you in the hurricane. Just call His name.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 04:37:43 +0000

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