I know many of my friends will roll their eyes, and argue... but - TopicsExpress


I know many of my friends will roll their eyes, and argue... but there is not one single video/appeal I have seen asking for peace from Hamas, or hoping that both worlds can be safe TOGETHER. In Europe, they chant death to the jews or jews come out and fight alone. The message #FreePalestine is synonymous with #DestroyIsrael(and the Jews). Even if Netanyahu is lying... Id rather see lies about wanting peace, than chants about wanting death. Occupation sucks. Being poor sucks. Lacking autonomy sucks. Being Palestinian sucks. But having your own people set you up for death, when youve been warned by your enemy, I dont understand it. The number of dead, innocent Palestinians makes me sick to my stomach, and makes me question everything I ever learned about my own people. Im sometimes ashamed of pro-Israel posts, when I see other close friends who post gut-wrenching videos from Gaza that make my heart bleed for the truly innocent people who want to live in peace. I couldnt imagine leaving my home because someone in a foreign military told me it will be blown up... but then again, how can you stay in a culture that has been trying harder to kill another people than to build its own land/economy up? (Honest answer: probably by force). Im not asking for politics, because this is way beyond that. Im all for two states; but I do think that both states should have to declare, that they want to live in peace with the other one, regardless of whether or not they hate the other people. Maybe the wounds are raw on each side, really raw... but isnt it time to realize that one tiny Jewish state where women, gays, artists, refugees, religious and non-religious people of all backgrounds can live together with equal rights in a free democratic society? (It aint the same in a lot of neighboring countries). Is that such a threat to the world? I dont believe Israel is flawless, but I believe in its right to exist, much like I believe in the Palestinians right to exist, or any other person... I just really cant understand how you are meant to solve a problem where one side will only stop at the complete annihilation of the other. Thats really my only unknown... because the rest is just pure sadness and frustration that this has gone on as long as it has, when we look almost identical to each other, we eat the same food, same spices, and should be living together in peace.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 21:01:59 +0000

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