I know many of you are waiting for my update on the results of the - TopicsExpress


I know many of you are waiting for my update on the results of the Bone Marrow Biopsy and PET Scan. I had to postpone the PET Scan until this coming Monday, because after the H.O.W. Dinner, as we were leaving Marie Calanders, I turned wrong and a searing pain shot through my right shoulder blade. It then began to radiate around to my chest and by the time we got home, I couldnt take a deep breath. I also had terrible pain radiating down to my right hip. I was up all night after figuring out that when I tried to lay flat, I couldnt catch my breath at all. The pain is excruciating and has only gotten worse with every passing day. Still, on Tuesday morning I got ready for the PET Scan anyway, but by the time of the scan, I had to ask the Tech to reschedule me, because I couldnt lay on the hard flat board at all and still breathe. A 60 min test, while strapped down from my shoulders to my ankles was out of the question. That evening Frank and I went to see Lynn Grabowski, our Health and Wellness Coach. Lynn examined me and told me I either had popped my 1st (top) right rib out of place or it was broken. She also found that my right lung beneath that rib was badly inflamed and I was on my way to walking pneumonia. Yesterday, I saw the Oncologist in an emergency appt. He confirmed that I do indeed have a broken 1st rib and I may also have a fracture in my right hip. So on Monday, I will be enduring a 60 minute PET Scan with IV medication for the pain. I ask for your prayers. It has been a difficult week, but God has given me strength to keep going through the pain. I will need His help to get through the Scan, where I cant move and am strapped down to the table. While at my Oncologist s office, he gave us the results of the Bone Marrow Biopsy. Though the results were not what we had hoped for, God had been preparing Frank and I both for the results. I learned when I returned home yesterday afternoon, that The Lord had also spoken to my Mom and a couple of friends, and as always let us know ahead of time, that HIS TIMING IS PERFECT AND HIS STRENGTH MADE PERFECT IN OUR WEAKNESS. HE IS FAITHFUL...and NO MATTER WHAT THE RESULTS SAY, HE IS IN CONTROL! So, Thursday, with Jesus holding my hand,, I begin 2 more months of chemo. There will not be a break after the first 4 week series, I will be doing 8 straight weeks of chemo. Then we will test again. We will also be going through with the planning stages if the STEM Cell Transplant. So raising the funds is now imparitive. BUT HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ME... WE, ALL OF US, Myself, My Family and ALL OF YOU...WE WILL NOT GIVE THE DISEASE ANY GLORY, Okay? WE ARE GIVING GOD THE GLORY! The disease gets NO SPACE in our heads and it doesnt get to ROLL OFF OUR TONGUES! It doesnt even get to come from our mouths! The disease is IRRELLEVENT! WHAT IS RELEVENT IS THE WORD OF GOD! And the Word says BY HIS (Jesus) STRIPES, I WAS HEALED!!! I WAS...ITS ALREADY DONE! So no pity, no, Poor Mauri. I AM THE HEALED OF THE LORD! I AM THE REDEEMED! I STILL NED YOUR PRAYERS FOR THE COMPLETION OF MY HEALING, BUT I BELIEVE, As Lynn reminded us last night, I am being healed DAILY! GODS TIMING IS PERFECT! And as Frank said yesterday, God is going to bring this miracle about in the way that brings the MOST GLORY TO HIS NAME! Im personally ALL FOR bringing my God more glor I look forward to yelling, LOOK WHAT MY GOD HAS DONE!!! from the roof tops! And that starts NOW! WHO IS WITH US?
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:56:43 +0000

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