I know most of you will need this ,so I have written here The - TopicsExpress


I know most of you will need this ,so I have written here The fundimentals tools and here you will find some compelling the spiritual Mysteries of the Universe/s will all equally enlighten many to what is beyond the Worlds. What you are about to read is the result of an amazing path I travelled that will reveal to you and our world, how the whole process works in all organic life. It is an amazing process handle & we are all in the same boat ,And have our own veiws which will all lead to the same sources God/The Light/Master/The Divine. I will bring you closer towards the Light without dropping you and if you handle my syntax to decribe everything and So without further do, sit back and prepare to enjoy a powerful presentation of who or ,what we are and how the entire process works. - You must first except the entire Creation is suspended inside God/The Light being. The light / God ..keeps all our memories for us. . We are all a part of that endless ocean of light at all times, yet separate from it in consciousness..this is called a fractal, separate, but one with the whole. and Given there is no other like God as spoken of in the Bible, God has taken a portion ,of its consciousness, God made into all of us, ..as we all become the members of a New consciousness, Suspended ...inside Gods being. God will call a bride, separate from Gods consciousness... God is a formless ocean of light, consciousness and love. God is not a guy in other words, for instance Jesus ,ufos ,hindu ,buddha and many other objects forms are mere avatars.. out of that light/God, It is a form of multiplexing, to put it in engineering terms. You can look up the term multiplexing on Wikipedia if you like to help you embrace the concept better..example ,the Christ will take on a different form for each world akin to ruling species of that planet ..here as humans ..God has masked itself as Jesus in a form we can all understand..God is formless.. spirit or light, but that spirit or light.. is a substance that can be slowed down into what you see when you look up into the night sky. The first basic expression of the creation is the Void we call space, which is the darkness you see when you look up into the night sky. ..It looks dark ,to the human eye, but when you step outside of your body in death, it is actually a place full of light! We abductees know this to be certain, as we can discover radio waves, X-rays, ultraviolet rays ..and infrared rays, in the darkness of space, finding the darkness is not dark at all, but full of other forms.. of light.  Einstein found in the Bible codes in the 1940s the equation E=mc2... To understand it from our point of view, I will explain this best way as a human. it has to be re-written as m=E/C2. E is Gods formless ocean of light and when that light is slowed down by the speed of light squared, it becomes the black void of space you see all around you. ..I have no other word to say than God..but God really does not cut it, God then injects part of its stuff into the void which is supercooled.. and becomes the planets, suns, nebulas, dark matter and so forth. This explains the recently discovered white holes where this light or white stuff is entering into the Universe. The black holes then take all of it out to be re-energized and recycled again. Its an endless process. and a closed system..meaning closed like a jar of liquid you shack ,closed. nothing is left out. Everything has living consciousness in it all the way down to the cell, the atom and the basic particles of the Universe. Everything is, in a sense, alive, but passive, until it is brought together as animated life forms. assumes that all objects have consciousness in them, even stones. Well, a stone is not conscious like you and I are, but its particles are made of Gods pure white light stuff which is consciousness itself. Still, you shouldnt be worshipping a stone. You are not your body at all. ..All acts you do are atomic particles eternal acts.. because you are Atoms first, even though your body is temporary...Everything is living consciousness to God, even what we think is dead matter, but even the matter around us is made out of atoms that are made out of Gods formless pure white light.. being as this endless ocean of light.... When you know this, all is consciousness... or a living dream to God. We as souls to put it ,come out of a different part of that light ...or spirit and have separate being from the light. In this sense... we are begotten of the light we call God. Remember the light is also known, as the Holy Spirit or Entire Spirit of God; also The issue of reincarnation is real. It operates from a simple premise where all of us as souls, entities, atoms..Gods formless light,.... leave the light, to partake of the planets. We are born, we live, ..we die and we get a lifes review which is subject to karmic law on all the Worlds. their is trillions of planets.. every alien, civilations. Point is, you can not compare this world to other worlds. They dont compare. God judges each inhabitable planet separately. Time and space are obliterated in death anyway, so you can see your future if you wish when you die. If you have become accustomed to time and space in your current flesh existence, then when you die, the sudden release from this reality can be un-nerving when you leave your body, to say the least. Souls who are having karmic problems with souls who have been family members can result in many incarnations among those souls into the same family all the time until they work out their differences. All the more reason why it is important to resolve all hurts and issues before you die, so that you dont get stuck into a karmic trap that leads to one incarnation after the next with the same souls who have issues with you. Forgiving those who have hurt you is the key to releasing yourself from that kind of karmic cycle or trap. This is covered in the Hall of Records in heaven. Again, on all the other worlds, reincarnation is not forced. The gift of life is given as an act of love from God. Just know you were not created with just this life you are traveling. While you said you did not ask to be born, the truth is, you will find in death, you did ask. You will also be reminded why you asked, if you get as far as your lifes review. God forces nothing folks We make the choices. God simply disposes the answers to our choices out of love for each of us. I was shown Ive had a number of incarnations to date. I also was delighted to be shown this, because I was interested to know what I was trying to achieve in myself through each incarnation. God creates the untold number of planets with all their complexity, making up this Universe which is full of life. When you return to the light, you can stay in with this God, if you wish or if you have other interests concerning the Universe, you can pursue other incarnations. ..The Light sends to you what you can handle.. when you die. ..You might be greeted by a dead relative, or a famous person you loved ,or someone great on the Earth who inspired you. You might travel alone back to the light, like I did , Some of us dont need the tunnel when we die. Others do... It depends how advanced you are ,when you die ..and what you are focused on when death comes...The universe works much like a random generator. It has to for free will to work. Because it is structured, its patterns are predictable though. The tree of life or the creation is the bride.. being formed by the groom.. or the light to become a companion to the light....like a cell dividing also All of these characters from comic books, michelian man ,ronald mcdonald, every character..ever known. ,are all quite Authentic Real. They have families ,and live in real civilizations ,Worlds. .You see we are born into this world..And we bring along these ideas ,Characters ,drawings you see from comics ,movies ,games. If you imagine an character with no legs etc. Everything we think of God ,look above your heads the night sky ,already knows it. God is still excited about human..., its not my creation , We choose a life experience based on our interests.. and loves and we have one long eternal life ..with many chapters in it .;or many incarnations. The entire Universe will become like heaven itself. that will meet Gods standards. For now, we are all in process towards that goal of Gods. To the Light all of this is happening instantaneously...., for the Light knows no time..Time and space ,are located inside the light, but for us, it is a progressive experience of consciousness in our becoming.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 05:29:44 +0000

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