I know probably no one is going to read this but Im gonna go ahead - TopicsExpress


I know probably no one is going to read this but Im gonna go ahead and say it. Most of my postings consist of my Christian and Conservative beliefs. Now Im different from most people my age. Most people like to play games, take pictures, tell everyone where theyre going tomorrow, post funny pictures/statuses, etc. Theres nothing wrong with that. But theres nothing wrong with my interests either. Dont get me wrong. I like to go out and do things too. Im a musician for crying out loud and I still plan on going to Six Flags before the summer ends and I have to return to school. But Im also a realist. Im very passionate passionate about things in which I believe. I pay attention to things that are going on in the world. And my Christian/Conservative beliefs have been targeted. To most people, they dont care because it doesnt affect me. Wrong. Our so-called leaders are not leading us. When their ideas dont work (and they dont), all they can do is point fingers at Bush or the Republicans and ergo take NO accountability and they have the corrupt, evil media helping them cover up their crimes. They wont hammer BHO. Anyone that does anymore has people like Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Susan Hostin, etc claiming its all due to RACIAL ANIMUS. Wrong. And some Republicans want to compromise because theyre too scared to stand up to the crooks in office. Unlike WE THE PEOPLE. Thats why I call myself CONSERVATIVE and not Republican. Our border is a mess. And BHO does the same thing hes done with the tragedies such as the Benghazi incident: drink, gamble, shoot pool, fundraisers, cut in lines at restaurants, etc. People are dying and this man does nothing. Yet he wants to spend billions of dollars to take care of these people and not the ones in the country. And hell tell the illegals that hes on their side. And hell admit that he lied to get in office. This is not leadership. This is BETRAYAL. This is an attempt to transform this country into communism/socialism where the government controls every aspect of everyones lives. That is not the American Dream. We want SMALL GOVERNMENT and CONTROL OUR OWN LIVES. And we will defend ourselves under the Second Amendment when someone poses a threat to us and our loved ones. But its all about power. And yet he can choose which laws he can break and which laws he can follow. He wont support Israel, a country that wants peace, but will support Hamas, a terrorist country that doesnt want peace, kills people including its own. Its crime. Its evil. I like to read into politics but let me be clear: THIS IS NOT ABOUT POLITICS. This is about my concern about the country I love. This is about the country I love that people are dying for to defend (and apparently are being handed pink slips). This about the concern of our freedom and constitutional rights. This about concern of my country PERIOD. I do not hate BHO. I strongly dislike everything hes done and everything hes doing/not doing right now. Let me clear this up: his color hasnt a darn to do with it. If it were Bush doing what hes done Id be calling him and his administration on it as well. Its about the content of his character, to take a chapter out of Martin Luther Kings book (who by the way was a true leader). And its not just him its the rest of the corrupt politicians....but I have faith we will triumph again. I put my trust in God and I believe soon the tables will turn and I believe WE THE PEOPLE are gonna soon be on our way of taking our country back. A lot of people are already opening their eyes and seeing the truth. We will fight injustice. We will fight corruption. And we will fight any obstacle that gets in our way because WE ARE AMERICANS. We wont be stopped. We wont be silenced. Were fighting back and under God we will succeed. And just like Phil Robertson, I will not give or back off from my path. A path that God wants me to take and the plans He has for me. I am not perfect. I am a sinner but Im also a follower of Him and wont stray away. Faith will restore America. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:00:05 +0000

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