I know some of these testimonies are long, but please find time to - TopicsExpress


I know some of these testimonies are long, but please find time to read them, because their situation could be yours and one day when you decide to give Plexus you may have the same kind of excitement to share with others just how much better you feel. My name is Justin, and this is my Plexus story: I joined the US Air Force in 2001 and served for 6 years, then I transferred to the Army as a Saxophone player for the 10th Mountain Division. Just before I deployed with my unit to Iraq in support of IEF4/5 I was diagnosed with a massive herniated disc at L4/L5. Looking back I know that I had felt the effects of this injury for about 8 years prior but I was too dense to get it checked and seek intervention, youthful ignorance. When I deployed, my high level of fitness and activity there in Iraq covered up a lot of things, not the least of which was my bulging disc. Nine months later when I cam back home, of course my activity level dropped drastically and suddenly. After my vacation time was spent and I got back to work my leg would randomly and without pain or warning just give out on me. I was falling over sometimes, other times I was only just able to catch myself. The doctors and I decided it was time for surgery. I had a discectomy at L4/L5 in Dec of 2009 and proceeded to take convalescent leave for two months, one month longer than usual. My pain was excruciating and NOT going away even after 6 months. I couldnt do the simplest of Soldier tasks anymore, like sit ups, let alone throw an 80lbs ruck on my back and hoof it 10 miles like before. I filed my paperwork for medical discharge and it was approved. I was honorably discharged from the Army Dec 2010. Then came three of the most painful years of my life. Even after 4 months of Army physical therapy and rehab my pain was still there and wasnt getting any better. And now I was home and in pain. All I had to do was work towards my Masters Degree and think about my pain. I would empty the dish washer and end up curled in a ball sobbing on the floor because I turned in a slightly wrong way. I would try to mow the grass and get about 1/3 of the way through it before again I would end up on the ground curled in a ball writhing in pain. I was checked out over and over again by the VA and they found no change in my spine and no reason for my pain. So they medicated me. HEAVILY. I was on Tramadol for pain, Methacarbomol as a muscle relaxer, and Naproxen as an anti-inflammatory. All of these had several side effects, but they all had the same side effect of drowsiness. Not only that, but all this medication slowed down my natural healing process. I fell one day and cut my knee. It was nothing terrible, but it took about a month to heal to the point of not needing a bandage, and then another few months to completely heal and not be tender. I moved a ways away from my doctor so I had trouble getting to my appointments, so naturally the doctor was not comfortable writing my prescriptions unless he was actually seeing me. Now I didnt have medication and I fully expected to resume the routine of immense pain and despair to which I had early become accustomed. Except, my pain didnt increase. In fact, it was BETTER off the medication! I had not had any special medical intervention. I simply came off the meds and I felt better. So I decided I wouldnt squander this newly found relief. I started exercising again and things got even better. My pain was now, by miraculous healing of God, around 20% of what it once was. I have maintained that level of relief for about a year and a half now. Some days better, some days worse. In Nov of this year I started taking Plexus after noticing my wife was taking it and experiencing more energy and better mood in addition to weight loss. I started taking it too and immediately noticed my mood was better everyday, and until this point and after Iraq I have generally been a somewhat angry person. I also noticed that my daily 2pm crashes didnt happen anymore. Not only did they not happen, I had tons of energy all day, and that was just with the Plexus Slim drink mix! Instead of ordering more I looked in to becoming an Ambassador to cover the cost of my and my wifes products. I signed up, ordered my welcome pack and also tried the Fast Relief. The regular Fast Relief was enough to start taking away the remaining amount of pain I had, but it didnt get to all of it. At this point I was curious about all the products (except the breast check kit LOL) so I added in the Bio Cleanse, ProBio5, XFactor, Boost, and Fast Relief Nerve Health Support. Once I introduced all of these I had SO MUCH ENERGY but it wasnt jittery. I noticed that I wasnt peeing out all the nutrients in my multivitamin, and also everyday within 10 mins of taking the Nerve Health Support and the regular Fast Relief, MY PAIN WAS GONE! 4 years! It has been 4 years since I have not felt pain all the time. And longer than that if you count the bulged disc symptoms. I still have pain every day, but the Fast Relief Nerve Health Support gives me 4-5 hours of relief at a time. I couldnt ask for more. Plexus has given me my vitality back. Plexus has given me time with my children. Plexus has given me a reason to be happy. And in becoming an Ambassador Plexus has combined me with other happy people who dont have cant in their hearts. And it shows.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:38:41 +0000

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