I know sometimes my posts may seem like I am trying to name and - TopicsExpress


I know sometimes my posts may seem like I am trying to name and shame. I want you to know that I really am not. The things I see and that I know at times really get to me, they break my heart to the point where I cant bear it....I just want to reach out to people and help you see. I love my friends. Your choices are your choices. I dont want to force feed you information. I want to show you the way I see things, and I know that sometimes, me being me, and with my fiery passion and my hatred of injustice and cruelty, that I need to voice it, shout it to the skies. I may make you feel judged, and you in turn may want to turn away from me. That is not what I want to do at all. It is the opposite. So my New Years resolution is going to be to be very pro active in how I share my information and to help you learn how you can be a part of the solution without feeling judged and without feeling uncomfortable around me. I feel very isolated at times. But those close know they can eat what they want around me, do what they want. I dont want to be the one that leaves a dinner table and everyone sighs with relief. I want my life still, and my friends. You are the ones who ask me about being a vegetarian, what I eat at Christmas dinner, why I feel how I do...I dont force feed you, I dont say you are gross or disgusting. I dont think you are. I keep my opinions to myself, I know how to conduct myself in public...in ALL forums. I hope you all know and believe that. Some videos I share because my heart aches....I feel the animals pain and it tears me up inside. I am helpless. This is how I am built. So some solutions are....if you could.....maybe... 1.One day a week make it a vegetarian day. 2. Make sure your meat comes from reliable ethical farms....avoid large companies, and go for the mom and pop, grassroots produce. Support the local trade. Please. 3. Do some research on your brands of dairy and eggs... I will post a list of companies who practice ethical farming practices and products that are more compassionate and considerate to animal welfare and their quality of life. I love my friends and family. I dont want to be isoloated from you, and I feel I am losing a lot of you by being an dolphin activist and a vegetarian, and a lover of pigs. I am open to discussion. I am not a crazy throw blood on your fur coat and sneer at you in the supermarket when you are choosing your bacon type of person. Give me credit. I am balanced in my activism and level headed. I really believe that. I dont use abusive hateful damaging language. I dont hate anyone in fact. I see all sides. My goal is to get people to change...to see the truth, and hopefully learn to be compassionate and have their eyes opened...both the hunters in Taiji, and you all in teaching you about the immoral cruel practices at dolphinariums and zoos, and in the mass factory farming....that is all. I have no hate in me....I will forgive the hunters of Taiji if they stop. I want to look them in the eye, and be able to smile and tell them I am proud they saw the error of their ways.... Anyhow....love love love. #peacetothebigblue
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 16:52:21 +0000

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