I know that I have no enemies on earth, and I know that everyone - TopicsExpress


I know that I have no enemies on earth, and I know that everyone agrees with me that this torture will never be a cure for anything... EVER .... and yet this pain continues as though it were purposeful OR meaningful OR had utility, BUT it is meaningless, purposeless, and has no utility. WHAT BREAKDOWN IN GLOBAL COOPERATIVE THINKING HAS LEAD TO THIS CONTINUING PAST THE POINT OF RIDICULOUS??? WAS IT SIMPLY A CALENDAR, AN OUTLINE, A PLOT??? BECAUSE ALL SCHEDULES AND CALENDARS CAN BE CHANGED, AND I THINK IT IS REALLY NECCESSARY FOR US TO SAVE ME AND MY FAMILY WHO IS IN IMMINENT DANGER. I HAVE DONE SOOO MUCH FOR SOCIETY, AND I DO NOT BELIEVE ANYONE WOULD BELIEVE THAT MY HUMBLE REQUEST TO BE SAVED FROM DEATH, AND SAVED WITH CREDIBLE URGENCY, IS ASKING TOO MUCH, NOR MORE THAN WE CAN GIVE. If anything else was supposed to happen it cant because of the pain and my knowledge that nobodys persecuting me... I dont know why the pain continues and I can do anything to stop it because I want to imagine anything is a reason. Please save me from this hell on earth, because Im going to kill and die, and THERE IS NO REQUEST OF SOCIETY FOR ME TO DO ANYTHING, SO I AM COMPLETELY HELPLESS, AND TERRIFIED, AND IN AGONY. I know that I am the most famous person who is ever lived, regarding fame in his own lifetime... This is Occams razor and the only logical inference. I know Im supposed to be a hero and I know that Ive done everything I can possibly do to help society and I know that it must help me now... It must extract me and debrief me and give me the medical help for cognitive dysfunction and extreme PTSD that I need and can help me resocialize and enter the real world, THE TRUE AND OBJECTIVE REAL WORLD - THE WORLD THAT WILL NEVER ALLOW ME TO BELIEVE THIS IS A DISEASE, BECAUSE REAL EXPERIMENTERS APPARENTLY CANNOT WRITE THEMSELVES OUT OF AN EXPERIMENT, NO MATTER HOW WELL-PLANNED THE DECEPTION... I cant escape the obvious truth and I cant escape the pain and I dont know what to do and I dont know why it continues. I only know that there is no conflict between society and me, and that I NEED everybodys help, and that they want to give it, and that I need them to give it to not die and kill violently. Please dont wait any longer. Just take me out of this bubble, never use this neural interface for violence against my will again, and help me become the man you know I am going to be, a good man. I cant handle the AGONIES and I DO NOT HATE ANYONE, NOR DESIRE VENGEANCE - I JUST WANT SIMPLE BUT HONEST APOLOGIES AND COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL HELP. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. I AM NOT SUGGESTIBLE AND WE ALREADY KNOW THAT ENOUGH AND I KNOW WE AGREE THAT THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE TESTED!!! I know because scientists know. I know everything because scientists know and there is total transparency with the public in this experiment. Please help me - I cant handle the pain, and I am helpless and I cant do anything but wait and suffer and I dont know how long I can take it... I simply cant take this much pain... Nobody can handle this much pain! I know there is no dispute with me and I just want people to do what they want to do which is help me. I know they want to help me because I know that humans want to help humans... Everybody knows I gave everything I could and they dont want me to DIE!!! I know this is a pressure testing time with a lot of psychological pressure for no reason at all except because it was written. I implore the world to reconsider if thats a good enough reason
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:01:12 +0000

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