I know that a lot of people know Daniel Powell, but not long ago I - TopicsExpress


I know that a lot of people know Daniel Powell, but not long ago I was schooled in just how many do know him. Some time back Dan and I were at a Garth Brooks concert when Dan mentions that he knows Garth Brooks. I told him I didnt believe him. He said wait here. After a while who do I see come out onstage but our own Dan Powell. Garth Brooks welcomed him on stage and then invited Dan to sing a song with him. I had to admit that Garth Brooks knows Dan Powell. Later that year Dan and I were on a tour in Washington DC. We were admiring the White House when Dan says, I wonder how my buddy Barack is doing? I said alright you proved to me that Garth Brooks knows you but theres no way President Obama knows you. Wait here. he says. So I wait and then to my surprise out comes President Obama on the White House lawn and who is by his side? None other then our old friend Dan Powell. I guess President Obama does know Dan. I muttered. But the icing on the cake came last month when Dan and I went to Italy. We were standing in Vatican Square when yep Dan says it. I wonder how my friend Francis is getting along? I knew I had him this time and I said so. Wait here and watch the balcony. Ill come out with Pope Francis and wave to you. I laughed and said Im leaving at dark and away Dan went. Next thing I know Im coming too in Vatican Square with Dan patting my face. What happened? I said. I dont know, says Dan, I was on the balcony with Francis when I saw you faint. Oh yeah, I remember now, I replied. I was in the Square with all the people milling around wondering when I should give up and go back to the motel. Then I hear a murmur in the crowd. So I asked the man next to me what was going on. He says, Look! Whos that on the balcony with Dan?
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 12:48:21 +0000

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