I know that everyones facebook newsfeed has been taken over by - TopicsExpress


I know that everyones facebook newsfeed has been taken over by Bells Lets Talk Day posts and yup this is another one so if you dont like it, as my grandmother would say, go shit and slide in it! Im proud of Bell for doing this and proud of all of my friends who have come forward to tell their story....thats what this is about, sharing your story to help others understand that its okay to talk about it, its okay to ask for help. I too have suffered from depression (not sure why people feel the need to say suffer....nobody enjoys it. Nobody says I too have enjoyed depression....but I digress). It was the textbook case...money problems, bill problems, marriage was ending, saw no light at the end of the tunnel and I tried to mask it and put on a brave face for everyone. Everyone always looked at me as the big tough guy that could handle everything, and would look to me for advice on their personal problems, which I always secretly found ironic considering I wasnt dealing with my own issues, but nobody knew. Its not that they didnt care, I just didnt share that stuff with everyone because I liked the feeling of being needed by someone. Meanwhile my problems continued and kept building. But I couldnt let people know because it would make me look weak and my problems kept growing. And then it almost killed me, literally. When a doctor looks at you and says you should be dead....that hits home...hard. Never see my children again...ever. My mother died when I was 6 months old so I know what it feels like to grow up without 2 parents (im lucky that I have such a great father).....and here I almost did that to my children, the 2 most precious things in my life. I was selfish. So I talked to someone about my problems and it felt GREAT!!!! I met with her every week and as soon as one session finished I couldnt wait til the next one. I still see a therapist and talk to my dad everyday, and everyday I make sure to tell him that I love him, and I tell my kids everyday that I love them. If you know someone who needs help, talk to them and tell them you understand because admitting that you need help isnt showing a sign of weakness.....it shows strength. Help someone today with something you do everyday anyway, just make a few extra calls..a few extra texts. letstalk.bell.ca/en/
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:55:41 +0000

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