I know that most people are like, race walk, who cares? but it is - TopicsExpress


I know that most people are like, race walk, who cares? but it is a really big deal that an athlete serving a doping ban was recently spotted competing in a local Championship in Saransk, Russia. And this isnt ANY athlete serving a doping ban, this is Elena Lashmanova, the reigning Olympic Champion, who is set to come off her ban in time for the 2016 Olympics. If she gets busted for this, it would make her ineligible for Rio. There is a stinky cover-up coming out of Saransk. They actually staged a photo re-shoot of the event, and are claiming the pictures that include Lashmanova are from 2012. They uploaded the photos of her from this year to the album from 2012. But the facts are not matching their story... I posted what I found in Im tired of USATF and IAAF crippling our sport., but this article does a better job of examining things than reading comments on a Facebook post. I linked to the translated version, but if that does not work, the original link is here: skirun.ru/2015/01/13/vfla-lashmanova-rassledovaniye/ you can go to translate.google and paste the address to translate it. This isnt just a race walk issue. The integrity of our sport is on the line. Will the IAAF stand up to Chegin and Russia? How can we take anti-doping seriously unless our governing body takes it seriously? The time has come to #banChegin and Lashmanova needs her ban extended. And why are they trying to hide the fact that Sergey Bakulin competed? Translated article: https://translate.google/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fskirun.ru%2F2015%2F01%2F13%2Fvfla-lashmanova-rassledovaniye%2F&edit-text=&act=url Tagging the handful of race walkers I can think of off the top of my head... Maria Michta Katie Burnett Patrick Stroupe Curt Clausen Michael Roth Allen James
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:11:57 +0000

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