I know that people are just people and we all make huge mistakes - TopicsExpress


I know that people are just people and we all make huge mistakes in MANY situations and subjects. The key to all is to be willing to face it and correct it so that affects less negatively. When we are dealing with/ riding / training horses we HAVE TO be aware of ourself, our shortcomings, our assets of knowledge and abilities of what we are trying to accomplish with our horses. In essence it amounts to the FACT that our horses can not get better until we do!!!! So, face you short sided knowledge and ask for help and STOP blaming the HORSE and someone else for your unwillingness to train YOU so you CAN help your horse. It is not easy , it cant be done in a day , week, month or even a year; but, you got to start somewhere and if you are truthful to yourself, you will never stop learning and teaching more to the horse. When you think you have it all figured out the horses will show you that you dont ! Im for the horse and thats it. They have shown me how smart,athletic, fore giving and willing they can be if I show them the respect and leadership that I expect them to show toward me. I ask you to sit back and examine your methods and begin to live like you want your horse to ride and respect you. Just sayin!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:09:48 +0000

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