I know that there are some Grand Prix trainers that belong to this - TopicsExpress


I know that there are some Grand Prix trainers that belong to this group. I just want to share that Allan Buck is looking for a GP horse that he can do a demonstration of his riding abilities on. Any takers? Since he kicked me out for questioning him I will share our exchange. I was not even rude. I did have an interesting exchange with AB this evening. He is back to calling me Ms Craig so I am probably not going to last long on his page. Allan Buck Well, Paula, I have thrown the gauntlet down on several occasion but seems there are no takers. The challenge is out there. I dang sure have no problem getting on a horse and demonstrating what horsemanship is all about. One does not prove anything by presenting a horse already ridden by the individual. One can only show something by getting on a horse that person has never ridden. But getting anyone to let a stranger ride their prize is quite difficult especially when they might just find out that they do not quite know everything. I am just an ole horseman without credentials nor competitive ribbons, so I do not know anything. Allan Bucks photo. Wendy Craig Let me understand your position Allan Buck, are you saying that you would be able to get on a GP trained horse and give a riding demonstration? To ride the GP movements? You are surprised that a GP rider has never taken you up on your proposal? And that a rider that has worked through the steps to train and show thier horse to upper levels does not prove their abilities? Oh my! Allan Buck Ms. Craig. It does not take competition to make a dressage rider. And I dang sure know how to school the GP movements and to ride them. And more importantly and what this group is about is the CORRECT, I repeat the CORRECT schooling and riding of the dressage horse. What is now the accepted and WINNING standards are not CORRECT by any stretch of the imagination. Dressage horses are not galloping so there is absolutely NO NEED to have the rein pressures and compressed throatlatches demonstrated in the tests of dressage today. That IS NOT horsemanship. The horse must appear to be doing it on its own Ms. Craig...that is a directive of the FEI and there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY a horse can appear to be doing it on its own with the cranked head/neck compression holds of todays winning GP riders. Note I said winning GP riders because I have seen correct riding at lower levels. 1 min · Like Wendy Craig I am not a GP rider and there is no way that I would think that I had the ability to ride a GP horse. I am surprised that you think that you could. Allan Buck Simply because I am a horseman with a whole lot of experience and a whole lot of compassion for each individual horse I touch. But I am not so arrogant that I cannot learn something as Paula Kierkegaard has taught me quite a bit with her posts, as have others. Wendy Craig A world of difference between theory and practical ability. I could read a medical journal and that would not make me a doctor. Allan Buck Wendy Craig....I have been on the horse journey for over forty years.....it aint theory and it sure is ability and it is even more sure knowledge the horses have taught me.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 04:16:54 +0000

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