I know that we are a stupid people, stupid, gullible, schooled but - TopicsExpress


I know that we are a stupid people, stupid, gullible, schooled but uneducated, deeply steeped in our own world and ignorance. And much to the dismay of the left, and the propaganda arm of the left, also known as the mainstream media, our ignorance is being displayed before our very eyes daily. Now we find that 12 states and the District of Columbia are going to cancel insurance policies of up to hundreds of thousands of people only days before the midterms because those policies do not meet Obamacare standards (I was unaware that there actually WERE Obamacare standards, but that is beside the point). foxnews/politics/2014/10/09/more-than-dozen-states-plan-to-cancel-health-care-policies-not-in-compliance/ So, for those that blindly support Obama and his “policies” (which are little more than whims), where do you draw the line? Arguably the Presidents’ “signal achievement”….the only thing that he actually got done in a semi-Constitutional manner, Obamacare was based on……a lie. If you like your doctor, too damned bad. If you like your policy….sucks to be you. If you as a progressive believe in your soul that it is the governments role to force you to buy something that you may not want, and may not need, subsidized by tax payers who may not give a shit…..if YOU think that is what government is about…….and you see the crap sandwich that it has become, at what point do you say that the “”signal achievement” is actually a signature lie, or even a signature failure. And I find it riotous that the ONLY thing this President will take credit for is the one thing that hurts all of us the most; this man will go to the ends of the earth to screw us. It is debatable on whether Saul Alinsky, Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler actually said that controlling healthcare gives you control of the people…..they certainly acted like it did, they certainly took steps to ensure it did, and in fact, it DID. Congressman Dingell even said that it would take awhile for Obamacare to control the people. I for one am not about being controlled…..I have a wife and that is enough control for me (I have no idea who controls her). And that is what Obamacare is all about….control. If you read the entire bill, and I have (I suppose I have more time than a congressman) you will quickly realize that the affordable care act is not affordable and not about care…..it is about control…..the government dictating what you can or cannot do with your health. So my question remains…..at what point do you sycophantic Obama supporters admit that this Presidents “signal achievement” was built on lie upon lie, and doesn’t work, and is not an achievement? Please call my secretary with your answers……I am sure there will be a landslide of responses.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 11:53:23 +0000

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