I know the below is a bit long story..but trust please read this - TopicsExpress


I know the below is a bit long story..but trust please read this may help you in not dealing with the torture which we went through. While we have a hearty laugh watching the Comedy Nights with Kapil @ home , its a Disastrous for the Studio Audience. Something which nobody would have thought of this unless attended the shoot. This Sunday I got the chance to attend the shoot at the Flimcity Studios with my family. Reporting time given was 1.25 pm, while they took into studios only at 3.00pm. The Guest (actors to show and host) started arriving only by 6.45 pm -7 .00 pm. The actual shoot for the show started at 7.30 pm -7.45 pm onwards only. During all between this time from 3.00 pm to 7.00 pm they were just rearranging the seating arrangement of audience and selecting few audiences (very important to know for what will tell later on). The seating arrangement was done by nearly 5-6 different people each of them arriving at 30-40 min interval and rearranging the audience as per his liking. Finally the shoot started at around 7.30 onwards. After around 20 -25 min, first break was taken by the Star Guest and Host, this beak lasted for nearly 30 - 40 min. This phenomena went on with same gap while some time the interval lasted for than 45 - 50 min also; this went on till 1.30 am( Ideally Next day started). All during the interval while the Star guest use to go out in there Vanity Van may be to have a light snack/ drink or attend to natures call, the audience were just made to sit at their seat. People (Audience) along with kids (age group of 10-15) who wanted to go out have water or answer natures call (loo) were not allowed to stand from there seat stating the reason - shoot might start at any moment and then you may loose your seat. At around 1.00 - 1.15am Start guest left and the show was deemed to be complete. But again audience was asked to remain seated for some more takes. Stamina to withstand this torture finally broke and when there was no answer provided on repeatedly asking as to how long this will go on the on; finally one of the audience started to walk out and with that everyone else also joined in. The 12 hour torture Finally ended. Now to the part I left earlier - Selection of the Audience. It was a shocking to know that all the Questions asked in the program are actually SCRIPTED ONES by the production house. Yes you have read it correctly the Questions which is shown - as the ones asked by the Audience are actually not audience question but are these are all Framed and provided by the production house and on top of that Laugh is made on few of the audiences as well. This is really ridiculous, you yourself provide some stupid question and then make fun of that Audience that too on the national television being watched by crores of people. I have shared my first hand experience.. I know there will be many others who would have experience the same..just hope that they too join and support this. I just want to bring in light to Production house and to Channel that audience are also Human Being and they should be respected and treated properly if not like their Start guest at least. Special note for those who still wish to.. please dont take kids (under age of 6 - 12) as they make them seat in such a place that they rarely appear on screen.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:59:24 +0000

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