I know there is a joy in coming back to Vietnam, even at so - TopicsExpress


I know there is a joy in coming back to Vietnam, even at so tumultous a period in my life. Still, I clearly see the fruits of my labor being put to use. Whether it is an engineering feast or a writers literary work, I am proud of all those creations and ideaas of mine. But, people here must learn to respect the economic principle of playing fair in business dealing. A shitty piece of work worths not even a shitty penny. Quality work comes from qualified people. Thus, both the monetary compensation and faithful recognition of rightful intellectual property authorship shall be given its due. Do not steal from the very people that help your business thrive. Not like some third-world-country business model of thievery. You can be different if you want to, aside from being on the wagon of pervasive looting of human energy in todays world operated more on medioracy rather than on pure merits.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:00:16 +0000

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