I know this is a free group but I am making an exception cause a - TopicsExpress


I know this is a free group but I am making an exception cause a good friend of mine is getting slandered and the truth needs to be put out there... When the Victim gets Victimized: Recently we shared a story about a local man Sean Michael Stevenson, 27 who was stabbed by his father Kent Manley 48. Mr. Stevenson, the victim of the crime that occurred recently, came forward and asked if we could report the true story of the incident. Stevenson felt as though the stories written by other media sources were not accurate and misinformed the community. Around 5:00 a.m. on Saturday January 11th dispatch received a phone call that a man was yelling for help at the Seaport RV Park in Charleston, OR. The Charleston Fire Department, bay Cities Ambulance, and the Sheriffs Dept. were dispatched to the scene. Deputies told local media that Manley was assaulted by his son Stevenson in his fifth wheel. This is where the story took a wrong turn. This is what Stevenson had to say to Coastal Community News Reporter Beth Keller: “It started out like any night of drinking, good times, and good friends. I lost my phone towards the end of the night. I began pacing back and forth throughout the house looking for it. My father started getting verbally abusive and mouthy towards me. I walked to his room (living room, made into a bedroom with several blankets acting as a wall) and went to poke my head in to tell him to calm down, tripped over the blanket/door thing, and landed backwards on top of him with his head between my legs. Next thing I know I’m being stabbed in the groin, on the second of 6 stab wounds, I began to try and get away, grabbing at the couch with my left hand to pull myself out, and hammer fisting his face with my right to try and get him to stop. I finally got away and I am in a rage at this point. I ran to the back of the house, punched out both of my mirrors and smashed my oven. I had blood all over my hands from my groin being stabbed. My brother calls his girlfriend who comes to take me to the hospital. While were waiting, my dad runs out of the house screaming HELP HELP IM IN DANGER I just let him go. I got in the van and went to the hospital where I got stitched up. I heard the news story from a couple of local and regional media sites and felt absolutely slandered. They had said I fled the scene, smashed up my dads trailer, and that he stabbed me to avoid an attack. That is absolute bulls**t. I support him, pay my taxes, work constantly and consistently, work to better our community, have a clean criminal record, and I am being slandered by the media because some man who I support with a long criminal record said it happened differently?” Mr. Stevenson is the owner of the fifth wheel and supports his father. He never fled the scene. He had wounds that may have been life threatening so was rushed to the hospital. The knife was within four inches of his femoral artery. This is the main artery that flows through the thigh and could have bled Mr. Stevenson out. Mr. Manley had prior assault charges. Mr. Stevenson has a lawyer and also six witnesses who saw the incidence first hand. Manley was transported to the hospital, but was released into police custody for outstanding warrants. His wounds were non-life threatening and only minor in comparison to his son’s. Sean was left to feel confused, hurt physically and mentally by his father and the situation. He would just like to shed some light on the truth. He no longer wants to be victimized by his father or anyone else, including media. He just wants to heal and move on. Written by Beth Keller All Rights Reserved Copyright 2014
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:39:56 +0000

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