I know this is a little long guys, but please read! Fan - TopicsExpress


I know this is a little long guys, but please read! Fan share: -Theresa - Please share ! A couple weeks after bring Rider home from the hospital I knew something was off. Sure, all babies cry. But his cry seemed different. He had a clean diaper & a full tummy. Still he was crying, inconsolably. As new parents we were frightened. I googled frantically. I called my pediatrician Dr. Melanie Youschak & told her that I was concerned about my son & I believe he may have acid reflux. She saw him immediately. She told me to keep him upright 30 minutes after each feeding, and to put a wedge under his mattress to elevate the top half of his body while he slept. I was back soon with little Rider showing little improvement. She prescribed him Zantac twice daily. This helped for about a week. Then the reflux came back even worse. All the while I am feeling like Im doing something wrong. Why isnt my baby happy? Back at Dr. Youschak I was broken down, feeling defeated. She additionally prescribed him Prevacid once daily, and a GI evaluation with Dr. Luis Caicedo of Miami Childrens Hospital. When another week went by & the Zantac twice daily together with Prevacid one daily didnt fix the problem I called Dr. Caicedos office. They saw us the next day. He diagnosed Ri with a milk protein allergy. This means his body has trouble breaking down the protein in his milk. He took Rider off of Zantac & prescribed a new formula called Nutramigen. Nutramigen is a hypoallergenic formula & the protein in it is slightly broken down to help the digestive process. The first day he was on this new formula I saw an improvement. He was calm. He didnt fuss. Then I noticed he wasnt having any bowel movement. Days went by without one. He was back to being extremely fussy & unhappy. I made another appointment to see Dr. Caicedo. Switched Rider to a formula called Neocate. The protein in Neocate is broken down to its very smallest possible from. I like to say pre-digested. Since switching to Neocate my son is an entirely new baby. Hes constantly smiling and content. Hes having regular bowel movements, and best of all he is off all of that reflux medicine! As a mother, having my baby happy & well for the first time in weeks is the most amazing feeling. Hes eating well, sleeping well, and smiling more than ever! What a heart wrenching, stressful, character building experience that was for my husband & myself. I cannot express the joy of finally helping my little boy feel better & getting to the route of the problem! I wanted to share our story because Im sure there are parents & children going through or may know someone going through what we did. Fixing this was a process of trial & error. Maybe if someone hears our story it can help a family they know find peace for their child. The BIGGEST THANK YOU to our pediatrician Dr. Melanie Youschak & our gastroenterologist Dr. Luis Caicedo & their office staff. All of you have helped us tremendously & without you we could not have done it. My husband, our son & I will be eternally grateful.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 02:40:08 +0000

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